
The read-only imageIndex property of the XRWebGLSubImage interface is a number representing the offset into the texture array if the layer was requested with texture-array; null otherwise.


A number or null if the layer wasn't requested with texture-array.

Using imageIndex

The imageIndex property can be passed WebGL2RenderingContext.framebufferTextureLayer() to attach the depth and color textures to a framebuffer with the correct layer index.

const xrGlBinding = new XRWebGLBinding(xrSession, gl);
const layer = xrGlBinding.createProjectionLayer({ textureType: "texture-array" });
const framebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer();

xrSession.updateRenderState({ layers: [layer] });

function onXRFrame(time, xrFrame) {

  gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer);
  let viewport = xrGlBinding.getSubImage(layer, xrFrame).viewport;
  gl.viewport(viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.width, viewport.height);

  for (let view in xrViewerPose.views) {
    let subImage = xrGlBinding.getViewSubImage(layer, view);
    gl.framebufferTextureLayer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,
      subImage.colorTexture, 0, subImage.imageIndex);
    gl.framebufferTextureLayer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT,
      subImage.depthStencilTexture, 0, subImage.imageIndex);

    // Render from the viewpoint of xrView


No specification found

No specification data found for api.XRWebGLSubImage.imageIndex.
Check for problems with this page or contribute a missing spec_url to mdn/browser-compat-data. Also make sure the specification is included in w3c/browser-specs.

Browser compatibility

No compatibility data found for api.XRWebGLSubImage.imageIndex.
Check for problems with this page or contribute missing data to mdn/browser-compat-data.

See also

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