WebRTC Statistics API

The WebRTC API has a vast array of statistics available, covering the entire breadth of the WebRTC connectivity system, from sender to receiver and peer to peer.

Collecting statistics

You can collect statistics at various levels throughout the WebRTC hierarchy of objects. Most broadly, you can call getStats() on an RTCPeerConnection to get statistics for the connection overall. In this example, a new RTCPeerConnection is created, and then setInterval() is used to set the function getConnectionStats() to be called every second.

That function, in turn, uses getStats() to obtain statistics for the connection and to make use of that data.

try {
  myPeerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(pcOptions);

  statsInterval = window.setInterval(getConnectionStats, 1000);
  /* add event handlers, etc */
} catch(err) {
  console.error("Error creating RTCPeerConnection: " + err);

function getConnectionStats() {
  myPeerConnection.getStats(null).then(stats => {
    var statsOutput = "";

    stats.forEach(report => {
      if (report.type === "inbound-rtp" && report.kind === "video") {
        Object.keys(report).forEach(statName => {
          statsOutput += `<strong>${statName}:</strong> ${report[statName]}<br>\n`;

    document.querySelector(".stats-box").innerHTML = statsOutput;

When the promise returned by getStats() is fulfilled, the resolution handler receives as input an RTCStatsReport object containing the statistics information. This object contains a Map of named dictionaries based on RTCStats and its affiliated types.

This example specifically looks for the report whose type is inbound-rtp and whose kind is video. This way, we look only at the video-related statistics for the local RTCRtpReceiver responsible for receiving the streamed media.

Commonly used statistics


The RTCStatsReport object contains a map of named objects based one of the RTCStats dictionary's subclasses. Upon looking up a statistic category by name, you get an object containing the corresponding data. The table below shows the statistic categories and the corresponding dictionaries; for each statistic category, the full hierarchy of RTCStats-based dictionaries are listed, so you can easily find all the available values.

Mapping of statistic category names to the dictionaries they implement
Statistic category name (RTCStatsType) Description Dictionaries implemented
candidate-pair Statistics describing the change from one RTCIceTransport to another, such as during an ICE restart.
certificate Statistics about a certificate being used by an RTCIceTransport.
codec Statistics about a specific codec being used by streams being sent or received by this connection. RTCCodecStats
csrc Statistics for a single contributing source (CSRC) that contributed to one of the connection's inbound RTP streams.
data-channel Statistics related to one RTCDataChannel on the connection.
ice-server Statistics about the connection to an ICE server (STUN or TURN.
inbound-rtp Statistics describing the state of one of the connection's inbound data streams.
local-candidate Statistics about a local ICE candidate associated with the connection's RTCIceTransports.
media-source Statistics about the media produced by the MediaStreamTrack attached to an RTP sender. The dictionary this key maps to depends on the track's kind. RTCAudioSourceStats or RTCVideoSourceStats
outbound-rtp Statistics describing the state of one of the outbound data streams on this connection.
peer-connection Statistics describing the state of the RTCPeerConnection.
receiver Statistics related to a specific RTCRtpReceiver and the media associated with that receiver. The specific type of object representing the statistics depends on the media kind.
remote-candidate Statistics about a remote ICE candidate associated with the connection's RTCIceTransports.
remote-inbound-rtp Statistics describing the state of the inbound data stream from the perspective of the remote peer.
remote-outbound-rtp Statistics describing the state of the outbound data stream from the perpsective of the remote peer.
sctp-transport Statistics about an RTCSctpTransport.
sender Statistics related to a specific RTCRtpSender and the media associated with that sender. The type of object representing this statistic depends on the kind of the media.
stream Statistics about a particular media MediaStream. This has been obsoleted since the transition to WebRTC being track-based rather than stream-based.

Statistics related to a specific MediaStreamTrack's attachment to one of the connection's senders or receivers. The referenced object's type depends on the track type.

Note: These statistics have all been moved to media-source, sender, receiver, outbound-rtp, and inbound-rtp, and this statistic category type is thus obsolete and shouldn't be used anymore.

transceiver Statistics related to a specific RTCRtpTransceiver.
transport Statistics about a transport used by the connection.


Browser compatibility

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