
Inherits: Resource < Reference < Object

Image datatype.


Native image datatype. Contains image data, which can be converted to a Texture, and several functions to interact with it. The maximum width and height for an Image are MAX_WIDTH and MAX_HEIGHT.

Note: The maximum image size is 16384×16384 pixels due to graphics hardware limitations. Larger images will fail to import.


Dictionary data {"data": PoolByteArray(  ),"format": "Lum8","height": 0,"mipmaps": false,"width": 0}


void blend_rect ( Image src, Rect2 src_rect, Vector2 dst )
void blend_rect_mask ( Image src, Image mask, Rect2 src_rect, Vector2 dst )
void blit_rect ( Image src, Rect2 src_rect, Vector2 dst )
void blit_rect_mask ( Image src, Image mask, Rect2 src_rect, Vector2 dst )
void bumpmap_to_normalmap ( float bump_scale=1.0 )
void clear_mipmaps ( )
Error compress ( CompressMode mode, CompressSource source, float lossy_quality )
void convert ( Format format )
void copy_from ( Image src )
void create ( int width, int height, bool use_mipmaps, Format format )
void create_from_data ( int width, int height, bool use_mipmaps, Format format, PoolByteArray data )
void crop ( int width, int height )
Error decompress ( )
AlphaMode detect_alpha ( ) const
void expand_x2_hq2x ( )
void fill ( Color color )
void fix_alpha_edges ( )
void flip_x ( )
void flip_y ( )
Error generate_mipmaps ( bool renormalize=false )
PoolByteArray get_data ( ) const
Format get_format ( ) const
int get_height ( ) const
int get_mipmap_offset ( int mipmap ) const
Color get_pixel ( int x, int y ) const
Color get_pixelv ( Vector2 src ) const
Image get_rect ( Rect2 rect ) const
Vector2 get_size ( ) const
Rect2 get_used_rect ( ) const
int get_width ( ) const
bool has_mipmaps ( ) const
bool is_compressed ( ) const
bool is_empty ( ) const
bool is_invisible ( ) const
Error load ( String path )
Error load_jpg_from_buffer ( PoolByteArray buffer )
Error load_png_from_buffer ( PoolByteArray buffer )
Error load_tga_from_buffer ( PoolByteArray buffer )
Error load_webp_from_buffer ( PoolByteArray buffer )
void lock ( )
void normalmap_to_xy ( )
void premultiply_alpha ( )
void resize ( int width, int height, Interpolation interpolation=1 )
void resize_to_po2 ( bool square=false )
Image rgbe_to_srgb ( )
Error save_exr ( String path, bool grayscale=false ) const
Error save_png ( String path ) const
PoolByteArray save_png_to_buffer ( ) const
void set_pixel ( int x, int y, Color color )
void set_pixelv ( Vector2 dst, Color color )
void shrink_x2 ( )
void srgb_to_linear ( )
void unlock ( )


enum Format:

  • FORMAT_L8 = 0 --- Texture format with a single 8-bit depth representing luminance.
  • FORMAT_LA8 = 1 --- OpenGL texture format with two values, luminance and alpha each stored with 8 bits.
  • FORMAT_R8 = 2 --- OpenGL texture format RED with a single component and a bitdepth of 8.
  • FORMAT_RG8 = 3 --- OpenGL texture format RG with two components and a bitdepth of 8 for each.
  • FORMAT_RGB8 = 4 --- OpenGL texture format RGB with three components, each with a bitdepth of 8.

Note: When creating an ImageTexture, an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed.

  • FORMAT_RGBA8 = 5 --- OpenGL texture format RGBA with four components, each with a bitdepth of 8.

Note: When creating an ImageTexture, an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed.

  • FORMAT_RGBA4444 = 6 --- OpenGL texture format RGBA with four components, each with a bitdepth of 4.
  • FORMAT_RGBA5551 = 7 --- OpenGL texture format GL_RGB5_A1 where 5 bits of depth for each component of RGB and one bit for alpha.
  • FORMAT_RF = 8 --- OpenGL texture format GL_R32F where there's one component, a 32-bit floating-point value.
  • FORMAT_RGF = 9 --- OpenGL texture format GL_RG32F where there are two components, each a 32-bit floating-point values.
  • FORMAT_RGBF = 10 --- OpenGL texture format GL_RGB32F where there are three components, each a 32-bit floating-point values.
  • FORMAT_RGBAF = 11 --- OpenGL texture format GL_RGBA32F where there are four components, each a 32-bit floating-point values.
  • FORMAT_RH = 12 --- OpenGL texture format GL_R32F where there's one component, a 16-bit "half-precision" floating-point value.
  • FORMAT_RGH = 13 --- OpenGL texture format GL_RG32F where there are two components, each a 16-bit "half-precision" floating-point value.
  • FORMAT_RGBH = 14 --- OpenGL texture format GL_RGB32F where there are three components, each a 16-bit "half-precision" floating-point value.
  • FORMAT_RGBAH = 15 --- OpenGL texture format GL_RGBA32F where there are four components, each a 16-bit "half-precision" floating-point value.
  • FORMAT_RGBE9995 = 16 --- A special OpenGL texture format where the three color components have 9 bits of precision and all three share a single 5-bit exponent.
  • FORMAT_DXT1 = 17 --- The S3TC texture format that uses Block Compression 1, and is the smallest variation of S3TC, only providing 1 bit of alpha and color data being premultiplied with alpha.

Note: When creating an ImageTexture, an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed.

  • FORMAT_DXT3 = 18 --- The S3TC texture format that uses Block Compression 2, and color data is interpreted as not having been premultiplied by alpha. Well suited for images with sharp alpha transitions between translucent and opaque areas.

Note: When creating an ImageTexture, an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed.

  • FORMAT_DXT5 = 19 --- The S3TC texture format also known as Block Compression 3 or BC3 that contains 64 bits of alpha channel data followed by 64 bits of DXT1-encoded color data. Color data is not premultiplied by alpha, same as DXT3. DXT5 generally produces superior results for transparent gradients compared to DXT3.

Note: When creating an ImageTexture, an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed.

  • FORMAT_RGTC_R = 20 --- Texture format that uses Red Green Texture Compression, normalizing the red channel data using the same compression algorithm that DXT5 uses for the alpha channel.
  • FORMAT_RGTC_RG = 21 --- Texture format that uses Red Green Texture Compression, normalizing the red and green channel data using the same compression algorithm that DXT5 uses for the alpha channel.
  • FORMAT_BPTC_RGBA = 22 --- Texture format that uses BPTC compression with unsigned normalized RGBA components.

Note: When creating an ImageTexture, an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed.

  • FORMAT_BPTC_RGBF = 23 --- Texture format that uses BPTC compression with signed floating-point RGB components.
  • FORMAT_BPTC_RGBFU = 24 --- Texture format that uses BPTC compression with unsigned floating-point RGB components.
  • FORMAT_PVRTC2 = 25 --- Texture format used on PowerVR-supported mobile platforms, uses 2-bit color depth with no alpha. More information can be found here.

Note: When creating an ImageTexture, an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed.

Note: When creating an ImageTexture, an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed.

Note: When creating an ImageTexture, an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed.

  • FORMAT_ETC2_RGB8A1 = 36 --- Ericsson Texture Compression format 2 (RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1 variant), which compresses RGBA data to make alpha either fully transparent or fully opaque.

Note: When creating an ImageTexture, an sRGB to linear color space conversion is performed.

  • FORMAT_MAX = 37 --- Represents the size of the Format enum.

enum Interpolation:

  • INTERPOLATE_NEAREST = 0 --- Performs nearest-neighbor interpolation. If the image is resized, it will be pixelated.
  • INTERPOLATE_BILINEAR = 1 --- Performs bilinear interpolation. If the image is resized, it will be blurry. This mode is faster than INTERPOLATE_CUBIC, but it results in lower quality.
  • INTERPOLATE_CUBIC = 2 --- Performs cubic interpolation. If the image is resized, it will be blurry. This mode often gives better results compared to INTERPOLATE_BILINEAR, at the cost of being slower.
  • INTERPOLATE_TRILINEAR = 3 --- Performs bilinear separately on the two most-suited mipmap levels, then linearly interpolates between them.

It's slower than INTERPOLATE_BILINEAR, but produces higher-quality results with much less aliasing artifacts.

If the image does not have mipmaps, they will be generated and used internally, but no mipmaps will be generated on the resulting image.

Note: If you intend to scale multiple copies of the original image, it's better to call generate_mipmaps] on it in advance, to avoid wasting processing power in generating them again and again.

On the other hand, if the image already has mipmaps, they will be used, and a new set will be generated for the resulting image.

  • INTERPOLATE_LANCZOS = 4 --- Performs Lanczos interpolation. This is the slowest image resizing mode, but it typically gives the best results, especially when downscalng images.

enum AlphaMode:

  • ALPHA_NONE = 0 --- Image does not have alpha.
  • ALPHA_BIT = 1 --- Image stores alpha in a single bit.
  • ALPHA_BLEND = 2 --- Image uses alpha.

enum CompressMode:

  • COMPRESS_S3TC = 0 --- Use S3TC compression.
  • COMPRESS_PVRTC2 = 1 --- Use PVRTC2 compression.
  • COMPRESS_PVRTC4 = 2 --- Use PVRTC4 compression.
  • COMPRESS_ETC = 3 --- Use ETC compression.
  • COMPRESS_ETC2 = 4 --- Use ETC2 compression.

enum CompressSource:

  • COMPRESS_SOURCE_GENERIC = 0 --- Source texture (before compression) is a regular texture. Default for all textures.
  • COMPRESS_SOURCE_SRGB = 1 --- Source texture (before compression) is in sRGB space.
  • COMPRESS_SOURCE_NORMAL = 2 --- Source texture (before compression) is a normal texture (e.g. it can be compressed into two channels).


  • MAX_WIDTH = 16384 --- The maximal width allowed for Image resources.
  • MAX_HEIGHT = 16384 --- The maximal height allowed for Image resources.

Property Descriptions

Dictionary data

Default {"data": PoolByteArray(  ),"format": "Lum8","height": 0,"mipmaps": false,"width": 0}

Holds all of the image's color data in a given format. See Format constants.

Method Descriptions

void blend_rect ( Image src, Rect2 src_rect, Vector2 dst )

Alpha-blends src_rect from src image to this image at coordinates dest.

void blend_rect_mask ( Image src, Image mask, Rect2 src_rect, Vector2 dst )

Alpha-blends src_rect from src image to this image using mask image at coordinates dst. Alpha channels are required for both src and mask. dst pixels and src pixels will blend if the corresponding mask pixel's alpha value is not 0. src image and mask image must have the same size (width and height) but they can have different formats.

void blit_rect ( Image src, Rect2 src_rect, Vector2 dst )

Copies src_rect from src image to this image at coordinates dst.

void blit_rect_mask ( Image src, Image mask, Rect2 src_rect, Vector2 dst )

Blits src_rect area from src image to this image at the coordinates given by dst. src pixel is copied onto dst if the corresponding mask pixel's alpha value is not 0. src image and mask image must have the same size (width and height) but they can have different formats.

void bumpmap_to_normalmap ( float bump_scale=1.0 )

Converts a bumpmap to a normalmap. A bumpmap provides a height offset per-pixel, while a normalmap provides a normal direction per pixel.

void clear_mipmaps ( )

Removes the image's mipmaps.

Error compress ( CompressMode mode, CompressSource source, float lossy_quality )

Compresses the image to use less memory. Can not directly access pixel data while the image is compressed. Returns error if the chosen compression mode is not available. See CompressMode and CompressSource constants.

void convert ( Format format )

Converts the image's format. See Format constants.

void copy_from ( Image src )

Copies src image to this image.

void create ( int width, int height, bool use_mipmaps, Format format )

Creates an empty image of given size and format. See Format constants. If use_mipmaps is true then generate mipmaps for this image. See the generate_mipmaps.

void create_from_data ( int width, int height, bool use_mipmaps, Format format, PoolByteArray data )

Creates a new image of given size and format. See Format constants. Fills the image with the given raw data. If use_mipmaps is true then loads mipmaps for this image from data. See generate_mipmaps.

void crop ( int width, int height )

Crops the image to the given width and height. If the specified size is larger than the current size, the extra area is filled with black pixels.

Error decompress ( )

Decompresses the image if it is compressed. Returns an error if decompress function is not available.

AlphaMode detect_alpha ( ) const

Returns ALPHA_BLEND if the image has data for alpha values. Returns ALPHA_BIT if all the alpha values are stored in a single bit. Returns ALPHA_NONE if no data for alpha values is found.

void expand_x2_hq2x ( )

Stretches the image and enlarges it by a factor of 2. No interpolation is done.

void fill ( Color color )

Fills the image with a given Color.

void fix_alpha_edges ( )

Blends low-alpha pixels with nearby pixels.

void flip_x ( )

Flips the image horizontally.

void flip_y ( )

Flips the image vertically.

Error generate_mipmaps ( bool renormalize=false )

Generates mipmaps for the image. Mipmaps are pre-calculated and lower resolution copies of the image. Mipmaps are automatically used if the image needs to be scaled down when rendered. This improves image quality and the performance of the rendering. Returns an error if the image is compressed, in a custom format or if the image's width/height is 0.

PoolByteArray get_data ( ) const

Returns a copy of the image's raw data.

Format get_format ( ) const

Returns the image's format. See Format constants.

int get_height ( ) const

Returns the image's height.

int get_mipmap_offset ( int mipmap ) const

Returns the offset where the image's mipmap with index mipmap is stored in the data dictionary.

Color get_pixel ( int x, int y ) const

Returns the color of the pixel at (x, y) if the image is locked. If the image is unlocked, it always returns a Color with the value (0, 0, 0, 1.0). This is the same as get_pixelv, but two integer arguments instead of a Vector2 argument.

Color get_pixelv ( Vector2 src ) const

Returns the color of the pixel at src if the image is locked. If the image is unlocked, it always returns a Color with the value (0, 0, 0, 1.0). This is the same as get_pixel, but with a Vector2 argument instead of two integer arguments.

Image get_rect ( Rect2 rect ) const

Returns a new image that is a copy of the image's area specified with rect.

Vector2 get_size ( ) const

Returns the image's size (width and height).

Rect2 get_used_rect ( ) const

Returns a Rect2 enclosing the visible portion of the image, considering each pixel with a non-zero alpha channel as visible.

int get_width ( ) const

Returns the image's width.

bool has_mipmaps ( ) const

Returns true if the image has generated mipmaps.

bool is_compressed ( ) const

Returns true if the image is compressed.

bool is_empty ( ) const

Returns true if the image has no data.

bool is_invisible ( ) const

Returns true if all the image's pixels have an alpha value of 0. Returns false if any pixel has an alpha value higher than 0.

Error load ( String path )

Loads an image from file path. See Supported image formats for a list of supported image formats and limitations.

Error load_jpg_from_buffer ( PoolByteArray buffer )

Loads an image from the binary contents of a JPEG file.

Error load_png_from_buffer ( PoolByteArray buffer )

Loads an image from the binary contents of a PNG file.

Error load_tga_from_buffer ( PoolByteArray buffer )

Loads an image from the binary contents of a TGA file.

Error load_webp_from_buffer ( PoolByteArray buffer )

Loads an image from the binary contents of a WebP file.

void lock ( )

Locks the data for reading and writing access. Sends an error to the console if the image is not locked when reading or writing a pixel.

void normalmap_to_xy ( )

Converts the image's data to represent coordinates on a 3D plane. This is used when the image represents a normalmap. A normalmap can add lots of detail to a 3D surface without increasing the polygon count.

void premultiply_alpha ( )

Multiplies color values with alpha values. Resulting color values for a pixel are (color * alpha)/256.

void resize ( int width, int height, Interpolation interpolation=1 )

Resizes the image to the given width and height. New pixels are calculated using interpolation. See interpolation constants.

void resize_to_po2 ( bool square=false )

Resizes the image to the nearest power of 2 for the width and height. If square is true then set width and height to be the same.

Image rgbe_to_srgb ( )

Converts a standard RGBE (Red Green Blue Exponent) image to an sRGB image.

Error save_exr ( String path, bool grayscale=false ) const

Saves the image as an EXR file to path. If grayscale is true and the image has only one channel, it will be saved explicitly as monochrome rather than one red channel. This function will return @GlobalScope.ERR_UNAVAILABLE if Godot was compiled without the TinyEXR module.

Error save_png ( String path ) const

Saves the image as a PNG file to path.

PoolByteArray save_png_to_buffer ( ) const

void set_pixel ( int x, int y, Color color )

Sets the Color of the pixel at (x, y) if the image is locked. Example:

var img =
img.create(img_width, img_height, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8)
img.set_pixel(x, y, color) # Works
img.set_pixel(x, y, color) # Does not have an effect

void set_pixelv ( Vector2 dst, Color color )

Sets the Color of the pixel at (dst.x, dst.y) if the image is locked. Note that the dst values must be integers. Example:

var img =
img.create(img_width, img_height, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8)
img.set_pixelv(Vector2(x, y), color) # Works
img.set_pixelv(Vector2(x, y), color) # Does not have an effect

void shrink_x2 ( )

Shrinks the image by a factor of 2.

void srgb_to_linear ( )

Converts the raw data from the sRGB colorspace to a linear scale.

void unlock ( )

Unlocks the data and prevents changes.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.