Faces dataset decompositions
This example applies to The Olivetti faces dataset different unsupervised matrix decomposition (dimension reduction) methods from the module sklearn.decomposition
(see the documentation chapter Decomposing signals in components (matrix factorization problems)) .
Dataset consists of 400 faces Extracting the top 6 Eigenfaces - PCA using randomized SVD... done in 0.043s Extracting the top 6 Non-negative components - NMF... done in 0.206s Extracting the top 6 Independent components - FastICA... /home/circleci/project/sklearn/decomposition/_fastica.py:118: ConvergenceWarning: FastICA did not converge. Consider increasing tolerance or the maximum number of iterations. warnings.warn('FastICA did not converge. Consider increasing ' done in 0.255s Extracting the top 6 Sparse comp. - MiniBatchSparsePCA... done in 1.181s Extracting the top 6 MiniBatchDictionaryLearning... done in 0.785s Extracting the top 6 Cluster centers - MiniBatchKMeans... done in 0.147s Extracting the top 6 Factor Analysis components - FA... done in 0.308s Extracting the top 6 Dictionary learning... done in 0.830s Extracting the top 6 Dictionary learning - positive dictionary... done in 0.805s Extracting the top 6 Dictionary learning - positive code... done in 0.245s Extracting the top 6 Dictionary learning - positive dictionary & code... done in 0.312s
print(__doc__) # Authors: Vlad Niculae, Alexandre Gramfort # License: BSD 3 clause import logging from time import time from numpy.random import RandomState import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.datasets import fetch_olivetti_faces from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans from sklearn import decomposition # Display progress logs on stdout logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') n_row, n_col = 2, 3 n_components = n_row * n_col image_shape = (64, 64) rng = RandomState(0) # ############################################################################# # Load faces data faces, _ = fetch_olivetti_faces(return_X_y=True, shuffle=True, random_state=rng) n_samples, n_features = faces.shape # global centering faces_centered = faces - faces.mean(axis=0) # local centering faces_centered -= faces_centered.mean(axis=1).reshape(n_samples, -1) print("Dataset consists of %d faces" % n_samples) def plot_gallery(title, images, n_col=n_col, n_row=n_row, cmap=plt.cm.gray): plt.figure(figsize=(2. * n_col, 2.26 * n_row)) plt.suptitle(title, size=16) for i, comp in enumerate(images): plt.subplot(n_row, n_col, i + 1) vmax = max(comp.max(), -comp.min()) plt.imshow(comp.reshape(image_shape), cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest', vmin=-vmax, vmax=vmax) plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(()) plt.subplots_adjust(0.01, 0.05, 0.99, 0.93, 0.04, 0.) # ############################################################################# # List of the different estimators, whether to center and transpose the # problem, and whether the transformer uses the clustering API. estimators = [ ('Eigenfaces - PCA using randomized SVD', decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_components, svd_solver='randomized', whiten=True), True), ('Non-negative components - NMF', decomposition.NMF(n_components=n_components, init='nndsvda', tol=5e-3), False), ('Independent components - FastICA', decomposition.FastICA(n_components=n_components, whiten=True), True), ('Sparse comp. - MiniBatchSparsePCA', decomposition.MiniBatchSparsePCA(n_components=n_components, alpha=0.8, n_iter=100, batch_size=3, random_state=rng), True), ('MiniBatchDictionaryLearning', decomposition.MiniBatchDictionaryLearning(n_components=15, alpha=0.1, n_iter=50, batch_size=3, random_state=rng), True), ('Cluster centers - MiniBatchKMeans', MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=n_components, tol=1e-3, batch_size=20, max_iter=50, random_state=rng), True), ('Factor Analysis components - FA', decomposition.FactorAnalysis(n_components=n_components, max_iter=20), True), ] # ############################################################################# # Plot a sample of the input data plot_gallery("First centered Olivetti faces", faces_centered[:n_components]) # ############################################################################# # Do the estimation and plot it for name, estimator, center in estimators: print("Extracting the top %d %s..." % (n_components, name)) t0 = time() data = faces if center: data = faces_centered estimator.fit(data) train_time = (time() - t0) print("done in %0.3fs" % train_time) if hasattr(estimator, 'cluster_centers_'): components_ = estimator.cluster_centers_ else: components_ = estimator.components_ # Plot an image representing the pixelwise variance provided by the # estimator e.g its noise_variance_ attribute. The Eigenfaces estimator, # via the PCA decomposition, also provides a scalar noise_variance_ # (the mean of pixelwise variance) that cannot be displayed as an image # so we skip it. if (hasattr(estimator, 'noise_variance_') and estimator.noise_variance_.ndim > 0): # Skip the Eigenfaces case plot_gallery("Pixelwise variance", estimator.noise_variance_.reshape(1, -1), n_col=1, n_row=1) plot_gallery('%s - Train time %.1fs' % (name, train_time), components_[:n_components]) plt.show() # ############################################################################# # Various positivity constraints applied to dictionary learning. estimators = [ ('Dictionary learning', decomposition.MiniBatchDictionaryLearning(n_components=15, alpha=0.1, n_iter=50, batch_size=3, random_state=rng), True), ('Dictionary learning - positive dictionary', decomposition.MiniBatchDictionaryLearning(n_components=15, alpha=0.1, n_iter=50, batch_size=3, random_state=rng, positive_dict=True), True), ('Dictionary learning - positive code', decomposition.MiniBatchDictionaryLearning(n_components=15, alpha=0.1, n_iter=50, batch_size=3, fit_algorithm='cd', random_state=rng, positive_code=True), True), ('Dictionary learning - positive dictionary & code', decomposition.MiniBatchDictionaryLearning(n_components=15, alpha=0.1, n_iter=50, batch_size=3, fit_algorithm='cd', random_state=rng, positive_dict=True, positive_code=True), True), ] # ############################################################################# # Plot a sample of the input data plot_gallery("First centered Olivetti faces", faces_centered[:n_components], cmap=plt.cm.RdBu) # ############################################################################# # Do the estimation and plot it for name, estimator, center in estimators: print("Extracting the top %d %s..." % (n_components, name)) t0 = time() data = faces if center: data = faces_centered estimator.fit(data) train_time = (time() - t0) print("done in %0.3fs" % train_time) components_ = estimator.components_ plot_gallery(name, components_[:n_components], cmap=plt.cm.RdBu) plt.show()
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 8.782 seconds)
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