Instantiates a variable with values drawn from a uniform distribution.
shape, low, high, dtype=None, name=None, seed=None
Arguments |
shape | Tuple of integers, shape of returned Keras variable. |
low | Float, lower boundary of the output interval. |
high | Float, upper boundary of the output interval. |
dtype | String, dtype of returned Keras variable. |
name | String, name of returned Keras variable. |
seed | Integer, random seed. |
Returns |
A Keras variable, filled with drawn samples. |
>>> kvar = K.random_uniform_variable((2,3), 0, 1)
>>> kvar
<tensorflow.python.ops.variables.Variable object at 0x10ab40b10>
>>> K.eval(kvar)
array([[ 0.10940075, 0.10047495, 0.476143 ],
[ 0.66137183, 0.00869417, 0.89220798]], dtype=float32)