[Java] Class Java8

  • org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.Java8
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
public class Java8
extends Object
implements VMPlugin

Java 8 based functions.


Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
Java8 ()

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public boolean checkAccessible(Class<?> callerClass, Class<?> declaringClass, int memberModifiers, boolean allowIllegalAccess)
public boolean checkCanSetAccessible(AccessibleObject accessibleObject, Class<?> callerClass)
The following scenarios can not set accessible, i.e. the return value is false 1) SecurityException occurred 2) the accessible object is a Constructor object for the Class class
public void configureAnnotation(AnnotationNode node)
public void configureAnnotationNodeFromDefinition(AnnotationNode definition, AnnotationNode root)
public void configureClassNode(CompileUnit compileUnit, ClassNode classNode)
public static GenericsType configureTypeVariableDefinition(ClassNode base, ClassNode[] cBounds)
public static ClassNode configureTypeVariableReference(String name)
protected int getElementCode(ElementType value)
public Object getInvokeSpecialHandle(Method method, Object receiver)
public Class<?>[] getPluginDefaultGroovyMethods()
public Class<?>[] getPluginStaticGroovyMethods()
public int getVersion()
public void invalidateCallSites()
public Object invokeHandle(Object handle, Object[] args)
protected Parameter makeParameter(CompileUnit cu, com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.Type type, Class<?> cl, Annotation[] annotations, String name)
public static MethodHandles.Lookup of(Class<?> declaringClass)
protected Parameter[] processParameters(CompileUnit compileUnit, Method m)
public void setAdditionalClassInformation(ClassNode cn)
public MetaMethod transformMetaMethod(MetaClass metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class<?> caller)
public MetaMethod transformMetaMethod(MetaClass metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod)
public boolean trySetAccessible(AccessibleObject ao)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Constructor Detail

public Java8()

Method Detail

@Override public boolean checkAccessible(Class<?> callerClass, Class<?> declaringClass, int memberModifiers, boolean allowIllegalAccess)

@Override public boolean checkCanSetAccessible(AccessibleObject accessibleObject, Class<?> callerClass)

The following scenarios can not set accessible, i.e. the return value is false 1) SecurityException occurred 2) the accessible object is a Constructor object for the Class class

accessibleObject - the accessible object to check
callerClass - the callerClass to invoke setAccessible
the check result

public void configureAnnotation(AnnotationNode node)

public void configureAnnotationNodeFromDefinition(AnnotationNode definition, AnnotationNode root)

public void configureClassNode(CompileUnit compileUnit, ClassNode classNode)

public static GenericsType configureTypeVariableDefinition(ClassNode base, ClassNode[] cBounds)

public static ClassNode configureTypeVariableReference(String name)

protected int getElementCode(ElementType value)

@Override public Object getInvokeSpecialHandle(Method method, Object receiver)

@Override public Class<?>[] getPluginDefaultGroovyMethods()

public Class<?>[] getPluginStaticGroovyMethods()

@Override public int getVersion()

@Override public void invalidateCallSites()

@Override public Object invokeHandle(Object handle, Object[] args)

protected Parameter makeParameter(CompileUnit cu, com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.Type type, Class<?> cl, Annotation[] annotations, String name)

public static MethodHandles.Lookup of(Class<?> declaringClass)

protected Parameter[] processParameters(CompileUnit compileUnit, Method m)

public void setAdditionalClassInformation(ClassNode cn)

@Override public MetaMethod transformMetaMethod(MetaClass metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class<?> caller)

@Override public MetaMethod transformMetaMethod(MetaClass metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod)

@Override public boolean trySetAccessible(AccessibleObject ao)

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