[Java] Class ScriptExtensions

  • org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.ScriptExtensions
public class ScriptExtensions

This class defines new Java 6 specific groovy methods which extend the normal JDK classes inside the Groovy environment. Static methods are used with the first parameter the destination class.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public static Object eval(ScriptEngine self, String script, Binding binding)
Executes the specified script.
public static Object eval(ScriptEngine self, Reader reader, Binding binding)
Same as eval(ScriptEngine, Reader, Binding) except that the source of the script is provided as a Reader

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Method Detail

public static Object eval(ScriptEngine self, String script, Binding binding)

Executes the specified script. The default ScriptContext for the ScriptEngine is used. Variables from a Groovy Binding are made available in the default scope of the Bindings of the ScriptEngine. Resulting variables in the Bindings are returned back to the Groovy Binding.

javax.script.ScriptException if error occurs in script
NullPointerException if the argument is null
self - A ScriptEngine
script - The script language source to be executed
binding - A Groovy binding
The value returned from the execution of the script (if supported by the Script engine)
See Also:
eval(javax.script.ScriptEngine, java.io.Reader, groovy.lang.Binding)

public static Object eval(ScriptEngine self, Reader reader, Binding binding)

Same as eval(ScriptEngine, Reader, Binding) except that the source of the script is provided as a Reader

javax.script.ScriptException if an error occurs in script
NullPointerException if the argument is null
self - A ScriptEngine
reader - The source of the script
binding - A Groovy binding
The value returned by the script
See Also:
eval(javax.script.ScriptEngine, java.lang.String, groovy.lang.Binding)

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