[Java] Class AbstractLexer

  • org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4.AbstractLexer
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
public abstract class AbstractLexer
extends Lexer
implements SyntaxErrorReportable

Because antlr4 does not support generating lexer with specified interface, we have to create a super class for it and implement the interface.

Inherited fields
Fields inherited from class Fields
class Lexer DEFAULT_MODE, MORE, SKIP, DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL, HIDDEN, MIN_CHAR_VALUE, MAX_CHAR_VALUE, _input, _token, _tokenStartCharIndex, _tokenStartLine, _tokenStartCharPositionInLine, _hitEOF, _channel, _type, _modeStack, _mode, _text, EOF

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
AbstractLexer (CharStream input)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Lexer nextToken, getType, mode, skip, reset, getInputStream, getInputStream, getChannel, more, setText, setInputStream, getTokenNames, getChannelNames, popMode, getModeNames, setCharPositionInLine, getCharErrorDisplay, emit, emit, getLine, setTokenFactory, getTokenFactory, setType, getToken, getText, notifyListeners, getCharIndex, setToken, getAllTokens, getErrorDisplay, getErrorDisplay, pushMode, setChannel, emitEOF, getSourceName, recover, recover, setLine, getCharPositionInLine, getState, action, setState, getVocabulary, getGrammarFileName, getSerializedATN, getErrorListenerDispatch, removeErrorListener, getTokenErrorDisplay, sempred, getInterpreter, addErrorListener, getATN, setInterpreter, getTokenTypeMap, getRuleNames, getRuleIndexMap, getParseInfo, getErrorHeader, getTokenType, precpred, getErrorListeners, removeErrorListeners, wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Constructor Detail

public AbstractLexer(CharStream input)

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