[Java] Class JaxbExtensions

  • org.apache.groovy.jaxb.extensions.JaxbExtensions
public class JaxbExtensions

This class defines new groovy methods which appear on Jaxb-related JDK classes (JAXBContext, Marshaller) inside the Groovy environment. Static methods are used with the first parameter being the destination class.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
<T> public static String marshal(Marshaller self, T jaxbElement)
Marshall an object to a xml String.
<T> public static String marshal(JAXBContext self, T jaxbElement)
Marshall an object to a xml String.
<T> public static T unmarshal(Unmarshaller self, String xml, Class<T> declaredType)
Unmarshal xml data from the given String to object of the given type.
<T> public static T unmarshal(JAXBContext self, String xml, Class<T> declaredType)
Unmarshal xml data from the given String to object of the given type.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Method Detail

<T> public static String marshal(Marshaller self, T jaxbElement)

Marshall an object to a xml String.

self - a Marshaller which can marshall the type of the given object
jaxbElement - object to marshall to a String
String representing the object as xml

<T> public static String marshal(JAXBContext self, T jaxbElement)

Marshall an object to a xml String.

self - a JaxbContext, which recognizes the type of the given object
jaxbElement - object to marshall to a String
String representing the object as xml

<T> public static T unmarshal(Unmarshaller self, String xml, Class<T> declaredType)

Unmarshal xml data from the given String to object of the given type.

self - Unmarshaller, a Unmarshaller which can unmarshall the type of the given object
xml - xml data as a String
declaredType - appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold node's xml data
instance of destination class unmarshalled from xml

<T> public static T unmarshal(JAXBContext self, String xml, Class<T> declaredType)

Unmarshal xml data from the given String to object of the given type.

self - a JaxbContext, which recognizes the type of the given object
xml - xml data as a String
declaredType - appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold node's xml data
instance of destination class unmarshalled from xml

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