[Java] Class ValueMapImpl

  • org.apache.groovy.json.internal.ValueMapImpl
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
public class ValueMapImpl
extends AbstractMap
implements ValueMap

This map is for object serialization mainly. The idea is the final conversion of the Value objects are delayed until the last possible moment, i.e., just before injected into a bean.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public void add(MapItemValue miv)
public Set<Entry<String, Value>> entrySet()
public Value get(Object key)
public boolean hydrated()
public Entry<String, Value>[] items()
public int len()
public Value put(String key, Value value)
public int size()
Return the size of the map.
public Collection<Value> values()
Return a collection of values.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class AbstractMap remove, get, put, equals, toString, values, hashCode, clear, isEmpty, size, entrySet, putAll, containsKey, containsValue, keySet, wait, wait, wait, getClass, notify, notifyAll, remove, replace, replace, replaceAll, merge, putIfAbsent, compute, forEach, computeIfAbsent, getOrDefault, computeIfPresent

Method Detail

public void add(MapItemValue miv)

public Set<Entry<String, Value>> entrySet()

public Value get(Object key)

public boolean hydrated()

public Entry<String, Value>[] items()

public int len()

public Value put(String key, Value value)

public int size()

Return the size of the map. Use the map if it has already been created.


public Collection<Value> values()

Return a collection of values.

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