[Java] Class DefaultStrategy

  • groovy.transform.builder.DefaultStrategy
public class DefaultStrategy
extends BuilderASTTransformationAbstractBuilderStrategy

This strategy is used with the Builder AST transform to create a builder helper class for the fluent creation of instances of a specified class. It can be used at the class, static method or constructor levels. You use it as follows:

 import groovy.transform.builder.*

 class Person {
     String firstName
     String lastName
     int age
 def person = Person.builder().firstName("Robert").lastName("Lewandowski").age(21).build()
 assert person.firstName == "Robert"
 assert person.lastName == "Lewandowski"
 assert person.age == 21
The prefix annotation attribute can be used to create setters with a different naming convention. The default is the empty string but you could change that to "set" as follows:
 class Person {
     String firstName
     String lastName
     int age
 def p2 = Person.builder().setFirstName("Robert").setLastName("Lewandowski").setAge(21).build()
or using a prefix of 'with' would result in usage like this:
 def p3 = Person.builder().withFirstName("Robert").withLastName("Lewandowski").withAge(21).build()
You can also use the @Builder annotation in combination with this strategy on one or more constructor or static method instead of or in addition to using it at the class level. An example with a constructor follows:
 import groovy.transform.ToString
 import groovy.transform.builder.Builder

 class Person {
     String first, last
     int born

     Person(String roleName) {
         if (roleName == 'Jack Sparrow') {
             first = 'Johnny'; last = 'Depp'; born = 1963
 assert Person.builder().roleName("Jack Sparrow").build().toString() == 'Person(Johnny, Depp, 1963)'
In this case, the parameter(s) for the constructor or static method become the properties available in the builder. For the case of a static method, the return type of the static method becomes the class of the instance being created. For static factory methods, this is normally the class containing the static method but in general it can be any class. Note: if using more than one @Builder annotation, which is only possible when using static method or constructor variants, it is up to you to ensure that any generated helper classes or builder methods have unique names. E.g. we can modify the previous example to have three builders. At least two of the builders in our case will need to set the 'builderClassName' and 'builderMethodName' annotation attributes to ensure we have unique names. This is shown in the following example:
 import groovy.transform.builder.*
 import groovy.transform.*

 class Person {
     String first, last
     int born

     Person(){} // required to retain no-arg constructor

     @Builder(builderClassName='MovieBuilder', builderMethodName='byRoleBuilder')
     Person(String roleName) {
         if (roleName == 'Jack Sparrow') {
             this.first = 'Johnny'; this.last = 'Depp'; this.born = 1963

     @Builder(builderClassName='SplitBuilder', builderMethodName='splitBuilder')
     static Person split(String name, int year) {
         def parts = name.split(' ')
         new Person(first: parts[0], last: parts[1], born: year)

 assert Person.splitBuilder().name("Johnny Depp").year(1963).build().toString() == 'Person(Johnny, Depp, 1963)'
 assert Person.byRoleBuilder().roleName("Jack Sparrow").build().toString() == 'Person(Johnny, Depp, 1963)'
 assert Person.builder().first("Johnny").last('Depp').born(1963).build().toString() == 'Person(Johnny, Depp, 1963)'
The 'forClass' annotation attribute for the @Builder transform isn't applicable for this strategy. The 'useSetters' annotation attribute for the @Builder transform is ignored by this strategy which always uses setters.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public void build(BuilderASTTransformation transform, AnnotatedNode annotatedNode, AnnotationNode anno)
public void buildClass(BuilderASTTransformation transform, ClassNode buildee, AnnotationNode anno)
public void buildMethod(BuilderASTTransformation transform, MethodNode mNode, AnnotationNode anno)

Method Detail

public void build(BuilderASTTransformation transform, AnnotatedNode annotatedNode, AnnotationNode anno)

public void buildClass(BuilderASTTransformation transform, ClassNode buildee, AnnotationNode anno)

public void buildMethod(BuilderASTTransformation transform, MethodNode mNode, AnnotationNode anno)

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