[Java] Class GroovyParserBaseVisitor<Result>
- org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4.GroovyParserBaseVisitor
- All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
- GroovyParserVisitor
public class GroovyParserBaseVisitor<Result> extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor implements GroovyParserVisitor
This class provides an empty implementation of GroovyParserVisitor, which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
- Type Parameters:
- The return type of the visit operation. Use Void for operations with no return type.
Methods Summary
Inherited Methods Summary
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class AbstractParseTreeVisitor | visit, visitTerminal, visitErrorNode, visitChildren, wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll |
Method Detail
@Override public Result visitAdditiveExprAlt(@NotNull AdditiveExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitAndExprAlt(@NotNull AndExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitAnnotatedQualifiedClassName(@NotNull AnnotatedQualifiedClassNameContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitAnnotation(@NotNull AnnotationContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitAnnotationName(@NotNull AnnotationNameContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitAnnotationsOpt(@NotNull AnnotationsOptContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitAnonymousInnerClassDeclaration(@NotNull AnonymousInnerClassDeclarationContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitArguments(@NotNull ArgumentsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitArrayInitializer(@NotNull ArrayInitializerContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitAssertStatement(@NotNull AssertStatementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitAssertStmtAlt(@NotNull AssertStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitAssignmentExprAlt(@NotNull AssignmentExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitBlock(@NotNull BlockContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitBlockStatement(@NotNull BlockStatementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitBlockStatements(@NotNull BlockStatementsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitBlockStatementsOpt(@NotNull BlockStatementsOptContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitBlockStmtAlt(@NotNull BlockStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitBooleanLiteralAlt(@NotNull BooleanLiteralAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitBreakStatement(@NotNull BreakStatementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitBreakStmtAlt(@NotNull BreakStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitBuiltInType(@NotNull BuiltInTypeContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitBuiltInTypePrmrAlt(@NotNull BuiltInTypePrmrAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitCastExprAlt(@NotNull CastExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitCastParExpression(@NotNull CastParExpressionContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitCatchClause(@NotNull CatchClauseContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitCatchType(@NotNull CatchTypeContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitClassBody(@NotNull ClassBodyContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitClassBodyDeclaration(@NotNull ClassBodyDeclarationContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitClassDeclaration(@NotNull ClassDeclarationContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitClassName(@NotNull ClassNameContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitClassOrInterfaceModifier(@NotNull ClassOrInterfaceModifierContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitClassOrInterfaceModifiers(@NotNull ClassOrInterfaceModifiersContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitClassOrInterfaceModifiersOpt(@NotNull ClassOrInterfaceModifiersOptContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitClassOrInterfaceType(@NotNull ClassOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitClassicalForControl(@NotNull ClassicalForControlContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitClosure(@NotNull ClosureContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitClosureOrLambdaExpression(@NotNull ClosureOrLambdaExpressionContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitClosureOrLambdaExpressionPrmrAlt(@NotNull ClosureOrLambdaExpressionPrmrAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitCommandArgument(@NotNull CommandArgumentContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitCommandExprAlt(@NotNull CommandExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitCommandExpression(@NotNull CommandExpressionContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitCompilationUnit(@NotNull CompilationUnitContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitConditionalExprAlt(@NotNull ConditionalExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitConditionalStatement(@NotNull ConditionalStatementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitConditionalStmtAlt(@NotNull ConditionalStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitContinueStatement(@NotNull ContinueStatementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitContinueStmtAlt(@NotNull ContinueStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitCreatedName(@NotNull CreatedNameContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitCreator(@NotNull CreatorContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitDim(@NotNull DimContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitDoWhileStmtAlt(@NotNull DoWhileStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitDynamicMemberName(@NotNull DynamicMemberNameContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitElementValue(@NotNull ElementValueContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitElementValueArrayInitializer(@NotNull ElementValueArrayInitializerContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitElementValuePair(@NotNull ElementValuePairContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitElementValuePairName(@NotNull ElementValuePairNameContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitElementValuePairs(@NotNull ElementValuePairsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitElementValues(@NotNull ElementValuesContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitEmptyDims(@NotNull EmptyDimsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitEmptyDimsOpt(@NotNull EmptyDimsOptContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitEmptyStmtAlt(@NotNull EmptyStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitEnhancedArgumentListElement(@NotNull EnhancedArgumentListElementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitEnhancedArgumentListInPar(@NotNull EnhancedArgumentListInParContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitEnhancedForControl(@NotNull EnhancedForControlContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitEnhancedStatementExpression(@NotNull EnhancedStatementExpressionContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitEnumConstant(@NotNull EnumConstantContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitEnumConstants(@NotNull EnumConstantsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitEqualityExprAlt(@NotNull EqualityExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitExclusiveOrExprAlt(@NotNull ExclusiveOrExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitExpression(@NotNull ExpressionContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitExpressionInPar(@NotNull ExpressionInParContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitExpressionList(@NotNull ExpressionListContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitExpressionListElement(@NotNull ExpressionListElementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitExpressionStmtAlt(@NotNull ExpressionStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitFieldDeclaration(@NotNull FieldDeclarationContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitFinallyBlock(@NotNull FinallyBlockContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitFloatingPointLiteralAlt(@NotNull FloatingPointLiteralAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitForControl(@NotNull ForControlContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitForInit(@NotNull ForInitContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitForStmtAlt(@NotNull ForStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitForUpdate(@NotNull ForUpdateContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitFormalParameter(@NotNull FormalParameterContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitFormalParameterList(@NotNull FormalParameterListContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitFormalParameters(@NotNull FormalParametersContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitGstring(@NotNull GstringContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitGstringPath(@NotNull GstringPathContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitGstringPrmrAlt(@NotNull GstringPrmrAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitGstringValue(@NotNull GstringValueContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitIdentifier(@NotNull IdentifierContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitIdentifierPrmrAlt(@NotNull IdentifierPrmrAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitIfElseStatement(@NotNull IfElseStatementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitImportDeclaration(@NotNull ImportDeclarationContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitInclusiveOrExprAlt(@NotNull InclusiveOrExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitIndexPropertyArgs(@NotNull IndexPropertyArgsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitIntegerLiteralAlt(@NotNull IntegerLiteralAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitKeywords(@NotNull KeywordsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitLabeledStmtAlt(@NotNull LabeledStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitLambdaBody(@NotNull LambdaBodyContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitList(@NotNull ListContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitListPrmrAlt(@NotNull ListPrmrAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitLiteral(@NotNull LiteralContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitLiteralPrmrAlt(@NotNull LiteralPrmrAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitLocalVariableDeclaration(@NotNull LocalVariableDeclarationContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitLocalVariableDeclarationStmtAlt(@NotNull LocalVariableDeclarationStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitLogicalAndExprAlt(@NotNull LogicalAndExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitLogicalOrExprAlt(@NotNull LogicalOrExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitLoopStatement(@NotNull LoopStatementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitLoopStmtAlt(@NotNull LoopStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitMap(@NotNull MapContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitMapEntry(@NotNull MapEntryContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitMapEntryLabel(@NotNull MapEntryLabelContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitMapEntryList(@NotNull MapEntryListContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitMapPrmrAlt(@NotNull MapPrmrAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitMemberDeclaration(@NotNull MemberDeclarationContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitMethodBody(@NotNull MethodBodyContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitMethodDeclaration(@NotNull MethodDeclarationContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitMethodName(@NotNull MethodNameContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitModifier(@NotNull ModifierContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitModifiers(@NotNull ModifiersContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitModifiersOpt(@NotNull ModifiersOptContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitMultipleAssignmentExprAlt(@NotNull MultipleAssignmentExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitMultiplicativeExprAlt(@NotNull MultiplicativeExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitNamePart(@NotNull NamePartContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitNamedPropertyArgs(@NotNull NamedPropertyArgsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitNewPrmrAlt(@NotNull NewPrmrAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitNls(@NotNull NlsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitNonWildcardTypeArguments(@NotNull NonWildcardTypeArgumentsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitNullLiteralAlt(@NotNull NullLiteralAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitPackageDeclaration(@NotNull PackageDeclarationContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitParExpression(@NotNull ParExpressionContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitParenPrmrAlt(@NotNull ParenPrmrAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitPathElement(@NotNull PathElementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitPathExpression(@NotNull PathExpressionContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitPostfixExprAlt(@NotNull PostfixExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitPostfixExpression(@NotNull PostfixExpressionContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitPowerExprAlt(@NotNull PowerExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitPrimary(@NotNull PrimaryContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitPrimitiveType(@NotNull PrimitiveTypeContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitQualifiedClassName(@NotNull QualifiedClassNameContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitQualifiedClassNameList(@NotNull QualifiedClassNameListContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitQualifiedName(@NotNull QualifiedNameContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitQualifiedNameElement(@NotNull QualifiedNameElementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitQualifiedNameElements(@NotNull QualifiedNameElementsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitQualifiedStandardClassName(@NotNull QualifiedStandardClassNameContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitRegexExprAlt(@NotNull RegexExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitRelationalExprAlt(@NotNull RelationalExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitResource(@NotNull ResourceContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitResourceList(@NotNull ResourceListContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitResources(@NotNull ResourcesContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitReturnStmtAlt(@NotNull ReturnStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitReturnType(@NotNull ReturnTypeContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitRparen(@NotNull RparenContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitScriptStatement(@NotNull ScriptStatementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitScriptStatements(@NotNull ScriptStatementsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitSep(@NotNull SepContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitShiftExprAlt(@NotNull ShiftExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitStandardLambdaExpression(@NotNull StandardLambdaExpressionContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitStandardLambdaParameters(@NotNull StandardLambdaParametersContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitStatement(@NotNull StatementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitStatementExpression(@NotNull StatementExpressionContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitStringLiteral(@NotNull StringLiteralContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitStringLiteralAlt(@NotNull StringLiteralAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitSuperPrmrAlt(@NotNull SuperPrmrAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitSwitchBlockStatementGroup(@NotNull SwitchBlockStatementGroupContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitSwitchLabel(@NotNull SwitchLabelContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitSwitchStatement(@NotNull SwitchStatementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitSynchronizedStmtAlt(@NotNull SynchronizedStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitThisFormalParameter(@NotNull ThisFormalParameterContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitThisPrmrAlt(@NotNull ThisPrmrAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitThrowStmtAlt(@NotNull ThrowStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitTryCatchStatement(@NotNull TryCatchStatementContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitTryCatchStmtAlt(@NotNull TryCatchStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitType(@NotNull TypeContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitTypeArgument(@NotNull TypeArgumentContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitTypeArguments(@NotNull TypeArgumentsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitTypeArgumentsOrDiamond(@NotNull TypeArgumentsOrDiamondContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitTypeBound(@NotNull TypeBoundContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitTypeDeclaration(@NotNull TypeDeclarationContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitTypeList(@NotNull TypeListContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitTypeNamePair(@NotNull TypeNamePairContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitTypeNamePairs(@NotNull TypeNamePairsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitTypeParameter(@NotNull TypeParameterContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitTypeParameters(@NotNull TypeParametersContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitUnaryAddExprAlt(@NotNull UnaryAddExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitUnaryNotExprAlt(@NotNull UnaryNotExprAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitVariableDeclaration(@NotNull VariableDeclarationContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitVariableDeclarator(@NotNull VariableDeclaratorContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitVariableDeclaratorId(@NotNull VariableDeclaratorIdContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitVariableDeclarators(@NotNull VariableDeclaratorsContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitVariableInitializer(@NotNull VariableInitializerContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitVariableInitializers(@NotNull VariableInitializersContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitVariableModifier(@NotNull VariableModifierContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitVariableModifiers(@NotNull VariableModifiersContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitVariableModifiersOpt(@NotNull VariableModifiersOptContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitVariableNames(@NotNull VariableNamesContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
@Override public Result visitWhileStmtAlt(@NotNull WhileStmtAltContext ctx)
The default implementation returns the result of calling visitChildren on ctx
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