[Java] Interface AdaptingMetaClass

  • groovy.lang.MetaObjectProtocol
All Superinterfaces:
MetaClass, MetaObjectProtocol
public interface AdaptingMetaClass
extends MetaClass

An interface for MetaClass instances that "adapt" other MetaClass instances such as a proxy or delegating MetaClass.


Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public MetaClass getAdaptee()
Returns the MetaClass that this adapter adapts
public void setAdaptee(MetaClass metaClass)
Sets the MetaClass adapted by this MetaClass

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
interface MetaClass getAttribute, getClassNode, getMetaMethods, getMethods, getProperties, getProperty, initialize, invokeMethod, invokeMissingMethod, invokeMissingProperty, pickMethod, selectConstructorAndTransformArguments, setAttribute, setProperty
interface MetaObjectProtocol getAttribute, getMetaMethod, getMetaProperty, getMethods, getProperties, getProperty, getStaticMetaMethod, getTheClass, hasProperty, invokeConstructor, invokeMethod, invokeMethod, invokeStaticMethod, respondsTo, respondsTo, setAttribute, setProperty

Method Detail

public MetaClass getAdaptee()

Returns the MetaClass that this adapter adapts

The MetaClass instance

public void setAdaptee(MetaClass metaClass)

Sets the MetaClass adapted by this MetaClass

metaClass - The MetaClass to adapt

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