[Java] Class OwnedMetaClass

  • org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.OwnedMetaClass
public abstract class OwnedMetaClass
extends DelegatingMetaClass
Inherited fields
Fields inherited from class Fields
class DelegatingMetaClass delegate

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
OwnedMetaClass (MetaClass delegate)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public boolean equals(Object obj)
public Object getAttribute(Object object, String attribute)
public Object getAttribute(Class sender, Object receiver, String messageName, boolean useSuper)
public ClassNode getClassNode()
public MetaMethod getMetaMethod(String name, Object[] args)
public MetaMethod getMetaMethod(String name, Class[] argTypes)
public List<MetaMethod> getMetaMethods()
public MetaProperty getMetaProperty(String name)
public List<MetaMethod> getMethods()
protected abstract Object getOwner()
protected abstract MetaClass getOwnerMetaClass(Object owner)
public List<MetaProperty> getProperties()
public Object getProperty(Object object, String property)
public Object getProperty(Class sender, Object receiver, String messageName, boolean useSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)
public MetaMethod getStaticMetaMethod(String name, Object[] args)
public MetaMethod getStaticMetaMethod(String name, Class[] argTypes)
public Class getTheClass()
public MetaProperty hasProperty(Object obj, String name)
public int hashCode()
public Object invokeConstructor(Object[] arguments)
public Object invokeMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object arguments)
public Object invokeMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[] arguments)
public Object invokeMethod(Class sender, Object receiver, String methodName, Object[] arguments, boolean isCallToSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)
public Object invokeMissingMethod(Object instance, String methodName, Object[] arguments)
public Object invokeMissingProperty(Object instance, String propertyName, Object optionalValue, boolean isGetter)
public Object invokeStaticMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[] arguments)
public boolean isGroovyObject()
public List<MetaMethod> respondsTo(Object obj, String name, Object[] argTypes)
public List<MetaMethod> respondsTo(Object obj, String name)
public int selectConstructorAndTransformArguments(int numberOfConstructors, Object[] arguments)
public void setAttribute(Object object, String attribute, Object newValue)
public void setAttribute(Class sender, Object receiver, String messageName, Object messageValue, boolean useSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)
public void setProperty(Object object, String property, Object newValue)
public void setProperty(Class sender, Object receiver, String messageName, Object messageValue, boolean useSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)
public String toString()

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class DelegatingMetaClass addMetaBeanProperty, addMetaMethod, addNewInstanceMethod, addNewStaticMethod, equals, getAdaptee, getAttribute, getAttribute, getClassNode, getMetaClass, getMetaMethod, getMetaMethods, getMetaProperty, getMethods, getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, getProperty, getStaticMetaMethod, getStaticMetaMethod, getTheClass, hasProperty, hashCode, initialize, invokeConstructor, invokeMethod, invokeMethod, invokeMethod, invokeMethod, invokeMissingMethod, invokeMissingProperty, invokeStaticMethod, isGroovyObject, isModified, pickMethod, respondsTo, respondsTo, selectConstructorAndTransformArguments, setAdaptee, setAttribute, setAttribute, setMetaClass, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, toString

Constructor Detail

public OwnedMetaClass(MetaClass delegate)

Method Detail

public boolean equals(Object obj)

public Object getAttribute(Object object, String attribute)

public Object getAttribute(Class sender, Object receiver, String messageName, boolean useSuper)

public ClassNode getClassNode()

public MetaMethod getMetaMethod(String name, Object[] args)

public MetaMethod getMetaMethod(String name, Class[] argTypes)

public List<MetaMethod> getMetaMethods()

public MetaProperty getMetaProperty(String name)

@Override public List<MetaMethod> getMethods()

protected abstract Object getOwner()

protected abstract MetaClass getOwnerMetaClass(Object owner)

public List<MetaProperty> getProperties()

public Object getProperty(Object object, String property)

public Object getProperty(Class sender, Object receiver, String messageName, boolean useSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)

public MetaMethod getStaticMetaMethod(String name, Object[] args)

public MetaMethod getStaticMetaMethod(String name, Class[] argTypes)

public Class getTheClass()

public MetaProperty hasProperty(Object obj, String name)

public int hashCode()

public Object invokeConstructor(Object[] arguments)

public Object invokeMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object arguments)

public Object invokeMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[] arguments)

public Object invokeMethod(Class sender, Object receiver, String methodName, Object[] arguments, boolean isCallToSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)

public Object invokeMissingMethod(Object instance, String methodName, Object[] arguments)

public Object invokeMissingProperty(Object instance, String propertyName, Object optionalValue, boolean isGetter)

public Object invokeStaticMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[] arguments)

public boolean isGroovyObject()

public List<MetaMethod> respondsTo(Object obj, String name, Object[] argTypes)

public List<MetaMethod> respondsTo(Object obj, String name)

public int selectConstructorAndTransformArguments(int numberOfConstructors, Object[] arguments)

public void setAttribute(Object object, String attribute, Object newValue)

public void setAttribute(Class sender, Object receiver, String messageName, Object messageValue, boolean useSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)

public void setProperty(Object object, String property, Object newValue)

public void setProperty(Class sender, Object receiver, String messageName, Object messageValue, boolean useSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)

public String toString()

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