[Java] Class GroovyBugError

  • org.codehaus.groovy.GroovyBugError
public class GroovyBugError
extends AssertionError

This class represents an error that is thrown when a bug is recognized inside the runtime. Basically it is thrown when a constraint is not fulfilled that should be fulfilled.

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
GroovyBugError (String message)
constructs a bug error using the given text
GroovyBugError (Exception exception)
Constructs a bug error using the given exception
GroovyBugError (String msg, Exception exception)
Constructs a bug error using the given exception and a text with additional information about the cause

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public String getBugText()
Returns the bug text to describe this error
public Throwable getCause()
public String getMessage()
Returns the detail message string of this error.
public void setBugText(String msg)
Sets the bug text to describe this error
public String toString()
Returns a String representation of this class by calling getMessage().

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class AssertionError printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, fillInStackTrace, getCause, initCause, toString, getMessage, getSuppressed, getLocalizedMessage, getStackTrace, setStackTrace, addSuppressed, wait, wait, wait, equals, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Constructor Detail

public GroovyBugError(String message)

constructs a bug error using the given text

message - the error message text

public GroovyBugError(Exception exception)

Constructs a bug error using the given exception

exception - cause of this error

public GroovyBugError(String msg, Exception exception)

Constructs a bug error using the given exception and a text with additional information about the cause

msg - additional information about this error
exception - cause of this error

Method Detail

public String getBugText()

Returns the bug text to describe this error

public Throwable getCause()

public String getMessage()

Returns the detail message string of this error. The message will consist of the bug text prefixed by "BUG! " if there this instance was created using a message. If this error was constructed without using a bug text the message of the cause is used prefixed by "BUG! UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION: "

the detail message string of this error.

public void setBugText(String msg)

Sets the bug text to describe this error

public String toString()

Returns a String representation of this class by calling getMessage().

See Also:

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