[Java] Class NumberRange

  • groovy.lang.NumberRange
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
Range, Serializable
public class NumberRange
extends AbstractList
implements Range, Serializable

Represents an immutable list of Numbers from a value to a value with a particular step size. In general, it isn't recommended using a NumberRange as a key to a map. The range 0..3 is deemed to be equal to 0.0..3.0 but they have different hashCode values, so storing a value using one of these ranges couldn't be retrieved using the other.


Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
NumberRange (T from, U to)
Creates an inclusive NumberRange with step size 1.
NumberRange (T from, U to, boolean inclusive)
Creates a new NumberRange with step size 1.
NumberRange (T from, U to, V stepSize)
Creates an inclusive NumberRange.
NumberRange (T from, U to, V stepSize, boolean inclusive)
Creates a NumberRange.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
<T extends Number & Comparable> public NumberRange by(T stepSize)
For a NumberRange with step size 1, creates a new NumberRange with the same from and to as this NumberRange but with a step size of stepSize.
public boolean contains(Object value)
iterates over all values and returns true if one value matches.
public boolean containsWithinBounds(Object value)
Checks whether a value is between the from and to values of a Range
public boolean equals(Object that)
An object is deemed equal to this NumberRange if it represents a List of items and those items equal the list of discrete items represented by this NumberRange.
public boolean fastEquals(NumberRange that)
Compares a NumberRange to another NumberRange using only a strict comparison of the NumberRange properties.
public Comparable get(int index)
public Comparable getFrom()
public Comparable getStepSize()
public Comparable getTo()
public int hashCode()
A NumberRange's hashCode is based on hashCode values of the discrete items it represents.
public String inspect()
public boolean isReverse()
public Iterator<Comparable> iterator()
public int size()
public void step(int numSteps, Closure closure)
public List<Comparable> step(int numSteps)
public List<Comparable> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
public RangeInfo subListBorders(int size)
A method for determining from and to information when using this IntRange to index an aggregate object of the specified size.
public String toString()

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class AbstractList add, add, remove, get, equals, hashCode, indexOf, clear, lastIndexOf, subList, iterator, addAll, set, listIterator, listIterator, remove, toString, isEmpty, contains, size, toArray, toArray, addAll, containsAll, retainAll, removeAll, wait, wait, wait, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toArray, spliterator, stream, removeIf, parallelStream, forEach, replaceAll, sort

Constructor Detail

public NumberRange(T from, U to)

Creates an inclusive NumberRange with step size 1. Creates a reversed range if from < to.

from - the first value in the range
to - the last value in the range

public NumberRange(T from, U to, boolean inclusive)

Creates a new NumberRange with step size 1. Creates a reversed range if from < to.

from - start of the range
to - end of the range
inclusive - whether the range is inclusive

public NumberRange(T from, U to, V stepSize)

Creates an inclusive NumberRange. Creates a reversed range if from < to.

from - start of the range
to - end of the range
stepSize - the gap between discrete elements in the range

public NumberRange(T from, U to, V stepSize, boolean inclusive)

Creates a NumberRange. Creates a reversed range if from < to.

from - start of the range
to - end of the range
stepSize - the gap between discrete elements in the range
inclusive - whether the range is inclusive

Method Detail

<T extends Number & Comparable> public NumberRange by(T stepSize)

For a NumberRange with step size 1, creates a new NumberRange with the same from and to as this NumberRange but with a step size of stepSize.

stepSize - the desired step size
a new NumberRange

@Override public boolean contains(Object value)

iterates over all values and returns true if one value matches. Also see containsWithinBounds.

@Override public boolean containsWithinBounds(Object value)

Checks whether a value is between the from and to values of a Range

value - the value of interest
true if the value is within the bounds

@Override public boolean equals(Object that)

An object is deemed equal to this NumberRange if it represents a List of items and those items equal the list of discrete items represented by this NumberRange.

that - the object to be compared for equality with this NumberRange
true if the specified object is equal to this NumberRange
See Also:

public boolean fastEquals(NumberRange that)

Compares a NumberRange to another NumberRange using only a strict comparison of the NumberRange properties. This won't return true for some ranges which represent the same discrete items, use equals instead for that but will be much faster for large lists.

that - the NumberRange to check equality with
true if the ranges are equal

@Override public Comparable get(int index)

@Override public Comparable getFrom()

public Comparable getStepSize()

@Override public Comparable getTo()

@Override public int hashCode()

A NumberRange's hashCode is based on hashCode values of the discrete items it represents.

the hashCode value

@Override public String inspect()

@Override public boolean isReverse()

@Override public Iterator<Comparable> iterator()


@Override public int size()

@Override public void step(int numSteps, Closure closure)


@Override public List<Comparable> step(int numSteps)

@Override public List<Comparable> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)

public RangeInfo subListBorders(int size)

A method for determining from and to information when using this IntRange to index an aggregate object of the specified size. Normally only used internally within Groovy but useful if adding range indexing support for your own aggregates.

size - the size of the aggregate being indexed
the calculated range information (with 1 added to the to value, ready for providing to subList

@Override public String toString()

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