[Java] Class PickFirstResolver

  • groovy.transform.stc.PickFirstResolver
public class PickFirstResolver
extends ClosureSignatureConflictResolver

Returns the first of several candidates found. This is useful if several types should be supported but only the first should be the default/inferred type. Other options in the list are obtained through explicitly typing the parameter(s).


Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public List<ClassNode> resolve(List<ClassNode> candidates, ClassNode receiver, Expression arguments, ClosureExpression closure, MethodNode methodNode, SourceUnit sourceUnit, CompilationUnit compilationUnit, String[] options)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class ClosureSignatureConflictResolver resolve

Method Detail

@Override public List<ClassNode> resolve(List<ClassNode> candidates, ClassNode receiver, Expression arguments, ClosureExpression closure, MethodNode methodNode, SourceUnit sourceUnit, CompilationUnit compilationUnit, String[] options)

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