[Groovy] Class CommandSupport

  • org.apache.groovy.groovysh.CommandSupport
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
abstract class CommandSupport
extends Object
implements CommandLine.Command

Support for Command instances.

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
protected static String NEWLINE
protected IO io The I/O container for the command to spit stuff out.
protected Logger log Instance logger for the command, initialized late to include the command name.
protected MessageSource messages i18n message source for the command.
protected CommandRegistry registry Provides the command instance with the registry, for aliasing support.
protected Groovysh shell The owning shell.

Properties Summary

Type Name and description
List aliases
Standard aliases for the command.
boolean hidden
Flag to indicate if the command should be hidden or not.
String name
The name of the command.
String shortcut
The shortcut switch

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
protected CommandSupport (Groovysh shell, String name, String shortcut)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
protected void alias(String name, String shortcut)
protected void assertNoArguments(List<String> args)
protected List<Completer> createCompleters()
Override to provide custom completion semantics for the command.
protected void fail(String msg)
protected void fail(String msg, Throwable cause)
List getAliases()
protected Binding getBinding()
protected List<String> getBuffer()
protected BufferManager getBuffers()
protected GroovyClassLoader getClassLoader()
Completer getCompleter()
Setup the Completer for the command.
String getDescription()
String getHelp()
boolean getHidden()
protected FileHistory getHistory()
protected List<String> getImports()
String getName()
String getShortcut()
String getUsage()
protected Map getVariables()

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Field Detail

protected static final String NEWLINE

protected final IO io

The I/O container for the command to spit stuff out.

protected final Logger log

Instance logger for the command, initialized late to include the command name.

protected final MessageSource messages

i18n message source for the command.

protected CommandRegistry registry

Provides the command instance with the registry, for aliasing support.

protected final Groovysh shell

The owning shell.

Property Detail

final List aliases

Standard aliases for the command.

boolean hidden

Flag to indicate if the command should be hidden or not.

final String name

The name of the command.

final String shortcut

The shortcut switch

Constructor Detail

protected CommandSupport(Groovysh shell, String name, String shortcut)

Method Detail

protected void alias(String name, String shortcut)

protected void assertNoArguments(List<String> args)

protected List<Completer> createCompleters()

Override to provide custom completion semantics for the command.

protected void fail(String msg)

protected void fail(String msg, Throwable cause)

@Override List getAliases()

protected Binding getBinding()

protected List<String> getBuffer()

protected BufferManager getBuffers()

protected GroovyClassLoader getClassLoader()

@Override Completer getCompleter()

Setup the Completer for the command.

@Override String getDescription()

@Override String getHelp()

@Override boolean getHidden()

protected FileHistory getHistory()

protected List<String> getImports()

@Override String getName()

@Override String getShortcut()

@Override String getUsage()

protected Map getVariables()

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