[Java] Class XmlUtil

  • groovy.xml.XmlUtil
public class XmlUtil
extends Object

Used for pretty printing XML content and other XML related utilities.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public String doCall(Character arg)
public String doCall(Character arg)
public static String escapeControlCharacters(String orig)
Escape control characters (below 0x20) with their XML entities, e.g.
public static String escapeXml(String orig)
Escape the following characters " ' & < > with their XML entities, e.g.
public static SAXParser newSAXParser(String schemaLanguage, Source schemas)
Factory method to create a SAXParser configured to validate according to a particular schema language and optionally providing the schema sources to validate with.
public static SAXParser newSAXParser(String schemaLanguage, boolean namespaceAware, boolean validating, Source schemas)
Factory method to create a SAXParser configured to validate according to a particular schema language and optionally providing the schema sources to validate with.
public static SAXParser newSAXParser(String schemaLanguage, File schema)
Factory method to create a SAXParser configured to validate according to a particular schema language and a File containing the schema to validate against.
public static SAXParser newSAXParser(String schemaLanguage, boolean namespaceAware, boolean validating, File schema)
Factory method to create a SAXParser configured to validate according to a particular schema language and a File containing the schema to validate against.
public static SAXParser newSAXParser(String schemaLanguage, URL schema)
Factory method to create a SAXParser configured to validate according to a particular schema language and an URL pointing to the schema to validate against.
public static SAXParser newSAXParser(String schemaLanguage, boolean namespaceAware, boolean validating, URL schema)
Factory method to create a SAXParser configured to validate according to a particular schema language and an URL pointing to the schema to validate against.
public static String serialize(Element element)
Return a pretty String version of the Element.
public static void serialize(Element element, OutputStream os)
Write a pretty version of the Element to the OutputStream.
public static void serialize(Element element, Writer w)
Write a pretty version of the Element to the Writer.
public static String serialize(Node node)
Return a pretty String version of the Node.
public static void serialize(Node node, OutputStream os)
Write a pretty version of the Node to the OutputStream.
public static void serialize(Node node, Writer w)
Write a pretty version of the Node to the Writer.
public static String serialize(GPathResult node)
Return a pretty version of the GPathResult.
public static void serialize(GPathResult node, OutputStream os)
Write a pretty version of the GPathResult to the OutputStream.
public static void serialize(GPathResult node, Writer w)
Write a pretty version of the GPathResult to the Writer.
public static String serialize(Writable writable)
Return a pretty String version of the XML content produced by the Writable.
public static void serialize(Writable writable, OutputStream os)
Write a pretty version of the XML content produced by the Writable to the OutputStream.
public static void serialize(Writable writable, Writer w)
Write a pretty version of the XML content produced by the Writable to the Writer.
public static String serialize(String xmlString)
Return a pretty version of the XML content contained in the given String.
public static void serialize(String xmlString, OutputStream os)
Write a pretty version of the given XML string to the OutputStream.
public static void serialize(String xmlString, Writer w)
Write a pretty version of the given XML string to the Writer.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Method Detail

public String doCall(Character arg)

public String doCall(Character arg)

public static String escapeControlCharacters(String orig)

Escape control characters (below 0x20) with their XML entities, e.g. carriage return (Ctrl-M or \r) becomes Notes:

  • Does not escape non-ascii characters above 0x7e
  • Does not treat surrogate pairs specially
  • Does not perform Unicode validation on its input
orig - the original String
A new string in which all characters that require escaping have been replaced with the corresponding XML entities.
See Also:

public static String escapeXml(String orig)

Escape the following characters " ' & < > with their XML entities, e.g. "bread" & "butter" becomes "bread" & "butter&quot. Notes:

  • Supports only the five basic XML entities (gt, lt, quot, amp, apos)
  • Does not escape control characters
  • Does not support DTDs or external entities
  • Does not treat surrogate pairs specially
  • Does not perform Unicode validation on its input
orig - the original String
A new string in which all characters that require escaping have been replaced with the corresponding XML entities.
See Also:

public static SAXParser newSAXParser(String schemaLanguage, Source schemas)

Factory method to create a SAXParser configured to validate according to a particular schema language and optionally providing the schema sources to validate with. The created SAXParser will be namespace-aware and not validate against DTDs.

schemaLanguage - the schema language used, e.g. XML Schema or RelaxNG (as per the String representation in javax.xml.XMLConstants)
schemas - the schemas to validate against
the created SAXParser
See Also:
newSAXParser(String, boolean, boolean, Source...)

public static SAXParser newSAXParser(String schemaLanguage, boolean namespaceAware, boolean validating, Source schemas)

Factory method to create a SAXParser configured to validate according to a particular schema language and optionally providing the schema sources to validate with.

schemaLanguage - the schema language used, e.g. XML Schema or RelaxNG (as per the String representation in javax.xml.XMLConstants)
namespaceAware - will the parser be namespace aware
validating - will the parser also validate against DTDs
schemas - the schemas to validate against
the created SAXParser

public static SAXParser newSAXParser(String schemaLanguage, File schema)

Factory method to create a SAXParser configured to validate according to a particular schema language and a File containing the schema to validate against. The created SAXParser will be namespace-aware and not validate against DTDs.

schemaLanguage - the schema language used, e.g. XML Schema or RelaxNG (as per the String representation in javax.xml.XMLConstants)
schema - a file containing the schema to validate against
the created SAXParser
See Also:
newSAXParser(String, boolean, boolean, File)

public static SAXParser newSAXParser(String schemaLanguage, boolean namespaceAware, boolean validating, File schema)

Factory method to create a SAXParser configured to validate according to a particular schema language and a File containing the schema to validate against.

schemaLanguage - the schema language used, e.g. XML Schema or RelaxNG (as per the String representation in javax.xml.XMLConstants)
namespaceAware - will the parser be namespace aware
validating - will the parser also validate against DTDs
schema - a file containing the schema to validate against
the created SAXParser

public static SAXParser newSAXParser(String schemaLanguage, URL schema)

Factory method to create a SAXParser configured to validate according to a particular schema language and an URL pointing to the schema to validate against. The created SAXParser will be namespace-aware and not validate against DTDs.

schemaLanguage - the schema language used, e.g. XML Schema or RelaxNG (as per the String representation in javax.xml.XMLConstants)
schema - a URL pointing to the schema to validate against
the created SAXParser
See Also:
newSAXParser(String, boolean, boolean, URL)

public static SAXParser newSAXParser(String schemaLanguage, boolean namespaceAware, boolean validating, URL schema)

Factory method to create a SAXParser configured to validate according to a particular schema language and an URL pointing to the schema to validate against.

schemaLanguage - the schema language used, e.g. XML Schema or RelaxNG (as per the String representation in javax.xml.XMLConstants)
namespaceAware - will the parser be namespace aware
validating - will the parser also validate against DTDs
schema - a URL pointing to the schema to validate against
the created SAXParser

public static String serialize(Element element)

Return a pretty String version of the Element.

element - the Element to serialize
the pretty String representation of the Element

public static void serialize(Element element, OutputStream os)

Write a pretty version of the Element to the OutputStream.

element - the Element to serialize
os - the OutputStream to write to

public static void serialize(Element element, Writer w)

Write a pretty version of the Element to the Writer.

element - the Element to serialize
w - the Writer to write to

public static String serialize(Node node)

Return a pretty String version of the Node.

node - the Node to serialize
the pretty String representation of the Node

public static void serialize(Node node, OutputStream os)

Write a pretty version of the Node to the OutputStream.

node - the Node to serialize
os - the OutputStream to write to

public static void serialize(Node node, Writer w)

Write a pretty version of the Node to the Writer.

node - the Node to serialize
w - the Writer to write to

public static String serialize(GPathResult node)

Return a pretty version of the GPathResult.

node - a GPathResult to serialize to a String
the pretty String representation of the GPathResult

public static void serialize(GPathResult node, OutputStream os)

Write a pretty version of the GPathResult to the OutputStream.

node - a GPathResult to serialize
os - the OutputStream to write to

public static void serialize(GPathResult node, Writer w)

Write a pretty version of the GPathResult to the Writer.

node - a GPathResult to serialize
w - the Writer to write to

public static String serialize(Writable writable)

Return a pretty String version of the XML content produced by the Writable.

writable - the Writable to serialize
the pretty String representation of the content from the Writable

public static void serialize(Writable writable, OutputStream os)

Write a pretty version of the XML content produced by the Writable to the OutputStream.

writable - the Writable to serialize
os - the OutputStream to write to

public static void serialize(Writable writable, Writer w)

Write a pretty version of the XML content produced by the Writable to the Writer.

writable - the Writable to serialize
w - the Writer to write to

public static String serialize(String xmlString)

Return a pretty version of the XML content contained in the given String.

xmlString - the String to serialize
the pretty String representation of the original content

public static void serialize(String xmlString, OutputStream os)

Write a pretty version of the given XML string to the OutputStream.

xmlString - the String to serialize
os - the OutputStream to write to

public static void serialize(String xmlString, Writer w)

Write a pretty version of the given XML string to the Writer.

xmlString - the String to serialize
w - the Writer to write to

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