[Groovy] Class HistoryCommand

  • org.codehaus.groovy.tools.shell.commands.HistoryCommand
class HistoryCommand
extends ComplexCommandSupport

The 'history' command.

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
static String COMMAND_NAME
Inherited fields
Fields inherited from class Fields
class ComplexCommandSupport defaultFunction, functions
class CommandSupport NEWLINE, io, log, messages, registry, shell

Properties Summary

Type Name and description
Object do_clear
Object do_flush
Object do_recall
history show shows a list of indexes and past commands. recall serves to rerun one of those by their index.
Object do_show

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
HistoryCommand (Groovysh shell)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
protected List createCompleters()
Object execute(List<String> args)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class ComplexCommandSupport createCompleters, execute, executeFunction, loadFunction
class CommandSupport alias, assertNoArguments, createCompleters, fail, fail, getAliases, getBinding, getBuffer, getBuffers, getClassLoader, getCompleter, getDescription, getHelp, getHidden, getHistory, getImports, getName, getShortcut, getUsage, getVariables

Field Detail

public static final String COMMAND_NAME

Property Detail

Object do_clear

Object do_flush

Object do_recall

history show shows a list of indexes and past commands. recall serves to rerun one of those by their index. There is is moving window of indexes, so the first valid index will usually be greater than zero.

Object do_show

Constructor Detail

HistoryCommand(Groovysh shell)

Method Detail

@Override protected List createCompleters()

@Override Object execute(List<String> args)

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