[Groovy] Class PackageHelperImpl

  • org.apache.groovy.groovysh.util.PackageHelperImpl
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
PackageHelper, PreferenceChangeListener
class PackageHelperImpl
extends Object
implements PackageHelper, PreferenceChangeListener

Helper class that crawls all items of the classpath for packages. Retrieves from those sources the list of subpackages and classes on demand.

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
protected static Logger LOG
static Pattern NAME_PATTERN Pattern for regular class names.

Properties Summary

Type Name and description
ClassLoader groovyClassLoader
Map<String, CachedPackage> rootPackages

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
PackageHelperImpl (ClassLoader groovyClassLoader)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
static Collection<String> collectPackageNamesFromFolderRecursive(File directory, String prefix, Set<String> packnames)
Crawls a folder, iterates over subfolders, looking for class files.
static Set<String> getClassnames(Set<URL> urls, String packagename)
Copied from JLine 1.0 ClassNameCompletor.
Set<String> getContents(String packagename)
Returns the names of Classes and direct subpackages contained in a package.
static Collection<String> getPackageNames(URL url)
Returns all package names found at URL; accepts jar files and folders.
static Collection<String> getPackageNamesFromJar(JarFile jf)
static Object mergeNewPackages(Collection<String> packageNames, URL url, Map<String, CachedPackage> rootPackages)
void preferenceChange(PreferenceChangeEvent evt)
void reset()

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Field Detail

protected static final Logger LOG

public static final Pattern NAME_PATTERN

Pattern for regular class names.

Property Detail

final ClassLoader groovyClassLoader

Map<String, CachedPackage> rootPackages

Constructor Detail

PackageHelperImpl(ClassLoader groovyClassLoader)

Method Detail

static Collection<String> collectPackageNamesFromFolderRecursive(File directory, String prefix, Set<String> packnames)

Crawls a folder, iterates over subfolders, looking for class files.

static Set<String> getClassnames(Set<URL> urls, String packagename)

Copied from JLine 1.0 ClassNameCompletor.

@Override Set<String> getContents(String packagename)

Returns the names of Classes and direct subpackages contained in a package.

static Collection<String> getPackageNames(URL url)

Returns all package names found at URL; accepts jar files and folders.

static Collection<String> getPackageNamesFromJar(JarFile jf)

static Object mergeNewPackages(Collection<String> packageNames, URL url, Map<String, CachedPackage> rootPackages)

@Override void preferenceChange(PreferenceChangeEvent evt)

@Override void reset()

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