[Java] Class GroovyLexer

  • org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4.GroovyLexer
public class GroovyLexer
extends AbstractLexer

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
static int DQ_GSTRING_MODE
static int StringLiteral
static Vocabulary VOCABULARY
static ATN _ATN
static String _serializedATN
static String[] channelNames
static String[] modeNames
static String[] ruleNames
static String[] tokenNames
Use VOCABULARY instead.

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
GroovyLexer (CharStream input)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public void action(RuleContext _localctx, int ruleIndex, int actionIndex)
public void emit(Token token)
Record the index and token type of the current token while emitting tokens.
protected void enterParenCallback(String text)
protected void exitParenCallback(String text)
public String[] getChannelNames()
public int getErrorColumn()
public int getErrorLine()
public String getGrammarFileName()
public String[] getModeNames()
public String[] getRuleNames()
public String getSerializedATN()
public int getSyntaxErrorSource()
public String[] getTokenNames()
public Vocabulary getVocabulary()
public int popMode()
protected void rollbackOneChar()
just a hook, which will be overrided by GroovyLangLexer
public boolean sempred(RuleContext _localctx, int ruleIndex, int predIndex)

Field Detail

public static final int DQ_GSTRING_MODE

public static final int StringLiteral

public static final Vocabulary VOCABULARY

public static final ATN _ATN

public static final String _serializedATN

public static String[] channelNames

public static String[] modeNames

public static final String[] ruleNames

@Deprecated public static final String[] tokenNames

Use VOCABULARY instead.

Constructor Detail

public GroovyLexer(CharStream input)

Method Detail

@Override public void action(RuleContext _localctx, int ruleIndex, int actionIndex)

@Override public void emit(Token token)

Record the index and token type of the current token while emitting tokens.

protected void enterParenCallback(String text)

protected void exitParenCallback(String text)

@Override @NotNull public String[] getChannelNames()

@Override public int getErrorColumn()

@Override public int getErrorLine()

@Override public String getGrammarFileName()

@Override @NotNull public String[] getModeNames()

@Override public String[] getRuleNames()

@Override public String getSerializedATN()

@Override public int getSyntaxErrorSource()

@Override @Deprecated public String[] getTokenNames()

@Override @NotNull public Vocabulary getVocabulary()

@Override public int popMode()

protected void rollbackOneChar()

just a hook, which will be overrided by GroovyLangLexer

@Override public boolean sempred(RuleContext _localctx, int ruleIndex, int predIndex)

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