[Java] Class PlainObjectMetaMethodSite

  • org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.PlainObjectMetaMethodSite
public abstract class PlainObjectMetaMethodSite
extends MetaMethodSite

Plain ordinary object call site meta class - cached method - cached

Inherited fields
Fields inherited from class Fields
class MetaMethodSite params
class MetaClassSite metaClass
class AbstractCallSite array, index, name

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
PlainObjectMetaMethodSite (CallSite site, MetaClass metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
protected static Object doInvoke(Object receiver, Object[] args, Method reflect)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class AbstractCallSite acceptGetProperty, acceptGroovyObjectGetProperty, call, call, call, call, call, call, callConstructor, callConstructor, callConstructor, callConstructor, callConstructor, callConstructor, callCurrent, callCurrent, callCurrent, callCurrent, callCurrent, callCurrent, callGetProperty, callGetPropertySafe, callGroovyObjectGetProperty, callGroovyObjectGetPropertySafe, callSafe, callSafe, callSafe, callSafe, callSafe, callSafe, callStatic, callStatic, callStatic, callStatic, callStatic, callStatic, createGetPropertySite, createGroovyObjectGetPropertySite, getArray, getIndex, getName, getProperty

Constructor Detail

public PlainObjectMetaMethodSite(CallSite site, MetaClass metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params)

Method Detail

protected static Object doInvoke(Object receiver, Object[] args, Method reflect)

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