[Java] Class ErrorCollector

  • org.codehaus.groovy.control.ErrorCollector
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
public class ErrorCollector
extends Object
implements Serializable

A base class for collecting messages and errors during processing. Each CompilationUnit should have an ErrorCollector, and the SourceUnits should share their ErrorCollector with the CompilationUnit.

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
protected CompilerConfiguration configuration Configuration and other settings that control processing
protected LinkedList<Message> errors ErrorMessages collected during processing
protected LinkedList<WarningMessage> warnings WarningMessages collected during processing

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
ErrorCollector (CompilerConfiguration configuration)
Initialize the ErrorReporter.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public void addCollectorContents(ErrorCollector that)
public void addError(Message message)
Adds a non-fatal error to the message set, which may cause a failure if the error threshold is exceeded.
public void addError(Message message, boolean fatal)
Adds an optionally-fatal error to the message set.
public void addError(SyntaxException error, SourceUnit source)
public void addError(String error, CSTNode context, SourceUnit source)
public void addErrorAndContinue(SyntaxException error, SourceUnit source)
public void addErrorAndContinue(Message message)
Adds an error to the message set, but does not cause a failure.
public void addErrorAndContinue(String error, ASTNode node, SourceUnit source)
public void addException(Exception exception, SourceUnit source)
public void addFatalError(Message message)
Adds an error to the message set and throws CompilationFailedException.
public void addWarning(WarningMessage message)
Adds a warning to the message set.
public void addWarning(int importance, String text, CSTNode context, SourceUnit source)
Adds a warning to the message set if it is relevant.
public void addWarning(int importance, String text, Object data, CSTNode context, SourceUnit source)
Adds a warning to the message set if it is relevant.
protected void failIfErrors()
Causes the current phase to fail by throwing a CompilationFailedException.
public CompilerConfiguration getConfiguration()
the compiler configuration used to create this error collector
public Message getError(int index)
Returns the specified error message, or null.
public int getErrorCount()
Returns the number of errors.
public List<? extends Message> getErrors()
Returns the list of errors, or null if there are none.
public Exception getException(int index)
Returns the specified error's underlying Exception, or null if it isn't one.
public Message getLastError()
Returns the last error reported.
public SyntaxException getSyntaxError(int index)
Returns the specified error's underlying SyntaxException, or null if it isn't one.
public WarningMessage getWarning(int index)
Returns the specified warning message, or null.
public int getWarningCount()
Returns the number of warnings.
public List<WarningMessage> getWarnings()
Returns the list of warnings, or null if there are none.
public boolean hasErrors()
Returns true if there are any errors pending.
public boolean hasWarnings()
Returns true if there are any warnings pending.
public void write(PrintWriter writer, Janitor janitor)
Writes error messages to the specified PrintWriter.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Field Detail

protected final CompilerConfiguration configuration

Configuration and other settings that control processing

protected LinkedList<Message> errors

ErrorMessages collected during processing

protected LinkedList<WarningMessage> warnings

WarningMessages collected during processing

Constructor Detail

public ErrorCollector(CompilerConfiguration configuration)

Initialize the ErrorReporter.

Method Detail

public void addCollectorContents(ErrorCollector that)

public void addError(Message message)

Adds a non-fatal error to the message set, which may cause a failure if the error threshold is exceeded. The message is not required to have a source line and column specified, but it is best practice to try and include that information.

public void addError(Message message, boolean fatal)

Adds an optionally-fatal error to the message set. The message is not required to have a source line and column specified, but it is best practice to try and include that information.

fatal - if true then then processing will stop

public void addError(SyntaxException error, SourceUnit source)

public void addError(String error, CSTNode context, SourceUnit source)

public void addErrorAndContinue(SyntaxException error, SourceUnit source)

public void addErrorAndContinue(Message message)

Adds an error to the message set, but does not cause a failure. The message is not required to have a source line and column specified, but it is best practice to try and include that information.

public void addErrorAndContinue(String error, ASTNode node, SourceUnit source)

public void addException(Exception exception, SourceUnit source)

public void addFatalError(Message message)

Adds an error to the message set and throws CompilationFailedException.

public void addWarning(WarningMessage message)

Adds a warning to the message set.

public void addWarning(int importance, String text, CSTNode context, SourceUnit source)

Adds a warning to the message set if it is relevant.

public void addWarning(int importance, String text, Object data, CSTNode context, SourceUnit source)

Adds a warning to the message set if it is relevant.

protected void failIfErrors()

Causes the current phase to fail by throwing a CompilationFailedException.

public CompilerConfiguration getConfiguration()

the compiler configuration used to create this error collector

public Message getError(int index)

Returns the specified error message, or null.

public int getErrorCount()

Returns the number of errors.

public List<? extends Message> getErrors()

Returns the list of errors, or null if there are none.

public Exception getException(int index)

Returns the specified error's underlying Exception, or null if it isn't one.

public Message getLastError()

Returns the last error reported.

public SyntaxException getSyntaxError(int index)

Returns the specified error's underlying SyntaxException, or null if it isn't one.

public WarningMessage getWarning(int index)

Returns the specified warning message, or null.

public int getWarningCount()

Returns the number of warnings.

public List<WarningMessage> getWarnings()

Returns the list of warnings, or null if there are none.

public boolean hasErrors()

Returns true if there are any errors pending.

public boolean hasWarnings()

Returns true if there are any warnings pending.

public void write(PrintWriter writer, Janitor janitor)

Writes error messages to the specified PrintWriter.

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