[Java] Interface Value

public interface Value

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public BigDecimal bigDecimalValue()
public BigInteger bigIntegerValue()
public boolean booleanValue()
public byte byteValue()
public char charValue()
public void chop()
public Date dateValue()
public double doubleValue()
public float floatValue()
public int intValue()
public boolean isContainer()
public long longValue()
public short shortValue()
public String stringValue()
public String stringValueEncoded()
<T extends Enum> public T toEnum(Class<T> cls)
public Object toValue()

Method Detail

public BigDecimal bigDecimalValue()

public BigInteger bigIntegerValue()

public boolean booleanValue()

public byte byteValue()

public char charValue()

public void chop()

public Date dateValue()

public double doubleValue()

public float floatValue()

public int intValue()

public boolean isContainer()

public long longValue()

public short shortValue()

public String stringValue()

public String stringValueEncoded()

<T extends Enum> public T toEnum(Class<T> cls)

public Object toValue()

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