[Java] Annotation Type ImmutableBase

  • groovy.transform.ImmutableBase
public @interface ImmutableBase

Class annotation used to assist in the creation of immutable classes. Checks on the validity of an immutable class and makes some preliminary changes to the class. Usually used via the @Immutable meta annotation.

Custom property handling:

  • The @ImmutableBase annotation supports customization using @PropertyOptions which allows a custom property handler to be defined. This is most typically used behind the scenes by the @Immutable meta-annotation but you can also define your own handler. If a custom handler is present, it will determine the code generated for the getters and setters of any property.
See Also:

Element Summary

Optional Element Summary
Type Name and Description
boolean copyWith
If true, this adds a method copyWith which takes a Map of new property values and returns a new instance of the Immutable class with these values set.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Element Detail

public boolean copyWith

If true, this adds a method copyWith which takes a Map of new property values and returns a new instance of the Immutable class with these values set. Example:

 @groovy.transform.Immutable(copyWith = true)
 class Person {
     String first, last

 def tim   = new Person( 'tim', 'yates' )
 def alice = tim.copyWith( first:'alice' )

 assert tim.first   == 'tim'
 assert alice.first == 'alice'
Unknown keys in the map are ignored, and if the values would not change the object, then the original object is returned. If a method called copyWith that takes a single parameter already exists in the class, then this setting is ignored, and no method is generated.

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