[Java] Class Reduction

  • org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.Reduction
public class Reduction
extends CSTNode

A syntax reduction, produced by the Parser.

See Also:

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
static Reduction EMPTY

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
Reduction (Token root)
Initializes the Reduction with the specified root.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public CSTNode add(CSTNode element)
Adds an element to the node.
public Reduction asReduction()
Creates a Reduction from this node.
public CSTNode get(int index)
Returns the specified element, or null.
public Token getRoot()
Returns the root of the node, the Token that indicates its type.
public boolean isAnExpression()
Returns true if the node is a complete expression.
public boolean isEmpty()
Returns true if the node is completely empty (no root, even).
public void markAsExpression()
Marks the node a complete expression.
public static Reduction newContainer()
Creates a new Reduction with Token.NULL as its root.
public CSTNode remove(int index)
Removes a node from the Reduction.
public CSTNode set(int index, CSTNode element)
Sets an element in at the specified index.
public int size()
Returns the number of elements in the node.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class CSTNode add, addChildrenOf, asReduction, canMean, children, get, get, getDescription, getMeaning, getMeaningAs, getRoot, getRoot, getRootText, getStartColumn, getStartLine, getType, hasChildren, isA, isAllOf, isAnExpression, isEmpty, isOneOf, markAsExpression, set, setMeaning, size, toString, write, write

Field Detail

public static final Reduction EMPTY

Constructor Detail

public Reduction(Token root)

Initializes the Reduction with the specified root.

Method Detail

public CSTNode add(CSTNode element)

Adds an element to the node.

public Reduction asReduction()

Creates a Reduction from this node. Returns self if the node is already a Reduction.

public CSTNode get(int index)

Returns the specified element, or null.

public Token getRoot()

Returns the root of the node, the Token that indicates its type. Returns null if there is no root (usually only if the node is a placeholder of some kind -- see isEmpty()).

public boolean isAnExpression()

Returns true if the node is a complete expression.

public boolean isEmpty()

Returns true if the node is completely empty (no root, even).

public void markAsExpression()

Marks the node a complete expression.

public static Reduction newContainer()

Creates a new Reduction with Token.NULL as its root.

public CSTNode remove(int index)

Removes a node from the Reduction. You cannot remove the root node (index 0).

public CSTNode set(int index, CSTNode element)

Sets an element in at the specified index.

public int size()

Returns the number of elements in the node.

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