[Java] Class StackTraceUtils

  • org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StackTraceUtils
public class StackTraceUtils
extends Object

Originally was grails.utils.GrailsUtils, removed some grails specific stuff. Utility methods removing internal lines from stack traces


Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
static String STACK_LOG_NAME

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public static void addClassTest(Closure test)
Adds a groovy.lang.Closure to test whether the stack trace element should be added or not.
public static Throwable deepSanitize(Throwable t)
Sanitize the exception and ALL nested causes
public static Throwable extractRootCause(Throwable t)
Extracts the root cause of the exception, no matter how nested it is
public static boolean isApplicationClass(String className)
public static void printSanitizedStackTrace(Throwable t, PrintWriter p)
public static void printSanitizedStackTrace(Throwable t)
public static Throwable sanitize(Throwable t)
Remove all apparently groovy-internal trace entries from the exception instance
public static Throwable sanitizeRootCause(Throwable t)
Get the root cause of an exception and sanitize it for display to the user

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Field Detail

public static final String STACK_LOG_NAME

Method Detail

public static void addClassTest(Closure test)

Adds a groovy.lang.Closure to test whether the stack trace element should be added or not.

The groovy.lang.Closure will be given the class name as parameter. the return value decides if the element will be added or not.

  • true - trace element will be added to the trace
  • false - trace element will not be added to the trace
  • null - continue with next test
Groovy truth will be used to determine true and false, null is excluded from defaulting to false here. If all tests have been executed and all of them skipped, then the groovy standard filtering will take place.
test - the testing groovy.lang.Closure

public static Throwable deepSanitize(Throwable t)

Sanitize the exception and ALL nested causes

This will MODIFY the stacktrace of the exception instance and all its causes irreversibly

t - a throwable
The root cause exception instances, with stack trace modified to filter out groovy runtime classes

public static Throwable extractRootCause(Throwable t)

Extracts the root cause of the exception, no matter how nested it is

t - a Throwable
The deepest cause of the exception that can be found

public static boolean isApplicationClass(String className)

public static void printSanitizedStackTrace(Throwable t, PrintWriter p)

public static void printSanitizedStackTrace(Throwable t)

public static Throwable sanitize(Throwable t)

Remove all apparently groovy-internal trace entries from the exception instance

This modifies the original instance and returns it, it does not clone

t - the Throwable whose stack trace we want to sanitize
The original Throwable but with a sanitized stack trace

public static Throwable sanitizeRootCause(Throwable t)

Get the root cause of an exception and sanitize it for display to the user

This will MODIFY the stacktrace of the root cause exception object and return it

t - a throwable
The root cause exception instance, with its stace trace modified to filter out groovy runtime classes

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