[Java] Class IncorrectClosureArgumentsException

  • groovy.lang.IncorrectClosureArgumentsException
public class IncorrectClosureArgumentsException
extends GroovyRuntimeException

An exception occurred when invoking a Closure with the wrong number and/or types of arguments

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
IncorrectClosureArgumentsException (Closure closure, Object arguments, Class[] expected)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public Object getArguments()
public Closure getClosure()
public Class[] getExpected()

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class GroovyRuntimeException getLocationText, getMessage, getMessageWithoutLocationText, getModule, getNode, setModule

Constructor Detail

public IncorrectClosureArgumentsException(Closure closure, Object arguments, Class[] expected)

Method Detail

public Object getArguments()

public Closure getClosure()

public Class[] getExpected()

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