[Groovy] Class GroovySyntaxCompleter

  • org.apache.groovy.groovysh.completion.GroovySyntaxCompleter
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
class GroovySyntaxCompleter
extends Object
implements Completer

Implements the Completer interface to provide completions for GroovyShell by tokenizing the buffer and invoking other classes depending on the tokens found.

Nested Class Summary

Nested classes
Modifiers Name Description
static enum GroovySyntaxCompleter.CompletionCase
static class GroovySyntaxCompleter.InStringException

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
protected static Logger LOG

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
GroovySyntaxCompleter (Groovysh shell, ReflectionCompleter reflectionCompleter, IdentifierCompleter classnameCompleter, List<IdentifierCompleter> identifierCompleters, Completer filenameCompleter)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
int complete(String bufferLine, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates)
int completeIdentifier(List<GroovySourceToken> tokens, List<CharSequence> candidates)
static GroovyLexer createGroovyLexer(String src)
static GroovySyntaxCompleter.CompletionCase getCompletionCase(List<GroovySourceToken> tokens)
static boolean isCommand(String bufferLine, CommandRegistry registry)
static boolean tokenizeBuffer(String bufferLine, List<String> previousLines, List<GroovySourceToken> result)
Adds to result the identified tokens for the bufferLines

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Field Detail

protected static final Logger LOG

Constructor Detail

GroovySyntaxCompleter(Groovysh shell, ReflectionCompleter reflectionCompleter, IdentifierCompleter classnameCompleter, List<IdentifierCompleter> identifierCompleters, Completer filenameCompleter)

Method Detail

@Override int complete(String bufferLine, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates)

int completeIdentifier(List<GroovySourceToken> tokens, List<CharSequence> candidates)

static GroovyLexer createGroovyLexer(String src)

static GroovySyntaxCompleter.CompletionCase getCompletionCase(List<GroovySourceToken> tokens)

static boolean isCommand(String bufferLine, CommandRegistry registry)

static boolean tokenizeBuffer(String bufferLine, List<String> previousLines, List<GroovySourceToken> result)

Adds to result the identified tokens for the bufferLines

true if lexing was successful

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