[Java] Class PositionConfigureUtils

  • org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4.util.PositionConfigureUtils
public class PositionConfigureUtils
extends Object

Utilities for configuring node positions

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
<T extends ASTNode> public static T configureAST(T astNode, GroovyParserRuleContext ctx)
Sets location(lineNumber, colNumber, lastLineNumber, lastColumnNumber) for node using standard context information.
<T extends ASTNode> public static T configureAST(T astNode, TerminalNode terminalNode)
<T extends ASTNode> public static T configureAST(T astNode, Token token)
<T extends ASTNode> public static T configureAST(T astNode, ASTNode source)
<T extends ASTNode> public static T configureAST(T astNode, GroovyParserRuleContext ctx, ASTNode stop)
<T extends ASTNode> public static T configureAST(T astNode, ASTNode start, ASTNode stop)
<T extends ASTNode> public static void configureEndPosition(T astNode, Token token)
public static Tuple2<Integer, Integer> endPosition(Token token)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Method Detail

<T extends ASTNode> public static T configureAST(T astNode, GroovyParserRuleContext ctx)

Sets location(lineNumber, colNumber, lastLineNumber, lastColumnNumber) for node using standard context information. Note: this method is implemented to be closed over ASTNode. It returns same node as it received in arguments.

astNode - Node to be modified.
ctx - Context from which information is obtained.
Modified astNode.

<T extends ASTNode> public static T configureAST(T astNode, TerminalNode terminalNode)

<T extends ASTNode> public static T configureAST(T astNode, Token token)

<T extends ASTNode> public static T configureAST(T astNode, ASTNode source)

<T extends ASTNode> public static T configureAST(T astNode, GroovyParserRuleContext ctx, ASTNode stop)

<T extends ASTNode> public static T configureAST(T astNode, ASTNode start, ASTNode stop)

<T extends ASTNode> public static void configureEndPosition(T astNode, Token token)

public static Tuple2<Integer, Integer> endPosition(Token token)

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