[Java] Class NumberNumberDiv

  • org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.dgmimpl.NumberNumberDiv
public final class NumberNumberDiv
extends NumberNumberMetaMethod
Inherited fields
Fields inherited from class Fields
class MetaMethod EMPTY_ARRAY
class ParameterTypes isVargsMethod, nativeParamTypes, parameterTypes

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public CallSite createDoubleDouble(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createDoubleFloat(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createDoubleInteger(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createDoubleLong(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createFloatDouble(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createFloatFloat(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createFloatInteger(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createFloatLong(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createIntegerDouble(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createIntegerFloat(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createIntegerInteger(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createIntegerLong(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createLongDouble(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createLongFloat(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createLongInteger(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createLongLong(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public CallSite createNumberNumber(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)
public static Number div(Number left, Number right)
Divide two Numbers.
public String getName()
public Object invoke(Object object, Object[] arguments)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class NumberNumberMetaMethod createDoubleDouble, createDoubleFloat, createDoubleInteger, createDoubleLong, createFloatDouble, createFloatFloat, createFloatInteger, createFloatLong, createIntegerDouble, createIntegerFloat, createIntegerInteger, createIntegerLong, createLongDouble, createLongFloat, createLongInteger, createLongLong, createNumberNumber, createPojoCallSite, getDeclaringClass, getModifiers, getReturnType
class CallSiteAwareMetaMethod createPojoCallSite
class MetaMethod checkParameters, clone, doMethodInvoke, equal, equal, getDeclaringClass, getDescriptor, getModifiers, getMopName, getName, getReturnType, getSignature, invoke, isAbstract, isCacheable, isMethod, isPrivate, isProtected, isPublic, isSame, isStatic, processDoMethodInvokeException, toString
class ParameterTypes coerceArgumentsToClasses, correctArguments, getNativeParameterTypes, getPT, getParameterTypes, isValidExactMethod, isValidExactMethod, isValidMethod, isValidMethod, isVargsMethod, isVargsMethod, setParametersTypes

Method Detail

public CallSite createDoubleDouble(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createDoubleFloat(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createDoubleInteger(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createDoubleLong(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createFloatDouble(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createFloatFloat(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createFloatInteger(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createFloatLong(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createIntegerDouble(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createIntegerFloat(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createIntegerInteger(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createIntegerLong(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createLongDouble(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createLongFloat(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createLongInteger(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createLongLong(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public CallSite createNumberNumber(CallSite site, MetaClassImpl metaClass, MetaMethod metaMethod, Class[] params, Object receiver, Object[] args)

public static Number div(Number left, Number right)

Divide two Numbers. Note: Method name different from 'divide' to avoid collision with BigInteger method that has different semantics. We want a BigDecimal result rather than a BigInteger.

left - a Number
right - another Number
a Number resulting of the divide operation

public String getName()

public Object invoke(Object object, Object[] arguments)

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