[Java] Class StreamingJsonBuilder.StreamingJsonDelegate

  • groovy.json.StreamingJsonBuilder.StreamingJsonDelegate
public static class StreamingJsonBuilder.StreamingJsonDelegate
extends GroovyObjectSupport

The delegate used when invoking closures

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
protected boolean first
protected StreamingJsonBuilder.StreamingJsonDelegate.State state
protected Writer writer

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
StreamingJsonDelegate (Writer w, boolean first)
StreamingJsonDelegate (Writer w, boolean first, JsonGenerator generator)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public void call(String name, List<Object> list)
Writes the name and a JSON array
public void call(String name, Object array)
Writes the name and a JSON array
public void call(String name, Iterable coll, Closure c)
A collection and closure passed to a JSON builder will create a root JSON array applying the closure to each object in the collection
public void call(String name, Collection coll, Closure c)
Delegates to call(String, Iterable, Closure)
public void call(String name, Object value)
Writes the name and value of a JSON attribute
public void call(String name, Object value, Closure callable)
Writes the name and value of a JSON attribute
public void call(String name, Closure value)
Writes the name and another JSON object
public void call(String name, JsonUnescaped json)
Writes an unescaped value.
public void call(String name, Writable json)
Writes the given Writable as the value of the given attribute name
public static void cloneDelegateAndGetContent(Writer w, Closure c)
public static void cloneDelegateAndGetContent(Writer w, Closure c, boolean first)
public static void curryDelegateAndGetContent(Writer w, Closure c, Object o)
public static void curryDelegateAndGetContent(Writer w, Closure c, Object o, boolean first)
public Writer getWriter()
Obtains the current writer
public Object invokeMethod(String name, Object args)
public static boolean isCollectionWithClosure(Object[] args)
protected void verifyValue()
protected void writeArray(List<Object> list)
public static Object writeCollectionWithClosure(Writer writer, Collection coll, Closure closure)
protected void writeName(String name)
protected void writeValue(Object value)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class GroovyObjectSupport getMetaClass, setMetaClass

Field Detail

protected boolean first

protected StreamingJsonBuilder.StreamingJsonDelegate.State state

protected final Writer writer

Constructor Detail

public StreamingJsonDelegate(Writer w, boolean first)

public StreamingJsonDelegate(Writer w, boolean first, JsonGenerator generator)

Method Detail

public void call(String name, List<Object> list)

Writes the name and a JSON array

name - The name of the JSON attribute
list - The list representing the array

public void call(String name, Object array)

Writes the name and a JSON array

name - The name of the JSON attribute
array - The list representing the array

public void call(String name, Iterable coll, @DelegatesTo(StreamingJsonDelegate.class) Closure c)

A collection and closure passed to a JSON builder will create a root JSON array applying the closure to each object in the collection


 class Author {
      String name
 def authorList = [new Author (name: "Guillaume"), new Author (name: "Jochen"), new Author (name: "Paul")]

 new StringWriter().with { w ->
     def json = new groovy.json.StreamingJsonBuilder(w)
     json.book {
        authors authorList, { Author author ->
         name author.name

     assert w.toString() == '{"book":{"authors":[{"name":"Guillaume"},{"name":"Jochen"},{"name":"Paul"}]}}'
coll - a collection
c - a closure used to convert the objects of coll

public void call(String name, Collection coll, @DelegatesTo(StreamingJsonDelegate.class) Closure c)

Delegates to call(String, Iterable, Closure)

public void call(String name, Object value)

Writes the name and value of a JSON attribute

name - The attribute name
value - The value

public void call(String name, Object value, @DelegatesTo(StreamingJsonDelegate.class) Closure callable)

Writes the name and value of a JSON attribute

name - The attribute name
value - The value

public void call(String name, @DelegatesTo(StreamingJsonDelegate.class) Closure value)

Writes the name and another JSON object

name - The attribute name
value - The value

public void call(String name, JsonUnescaped json)

Writes an unescaped value. Note: can cause invalid JSON if passed JSON is invalid

name - The attribute name
json - The value

public void call(String name, Writable json)

Writes the given Writable as the value of the given attribute name

name - The attribute name
json - The writable value

public static void cloneDelegateAndGetContent(Writer w, @DelegatesTo(StreamingJsonDelegate.class) Closure c)

public static void cloneDelegateAndGetContent(Writer w, @DelegatesTo(StreamingJsonDelegate.class) Closure c, boolean first)

public static void curryDelegateAndGetContent(Writer w, @DelegatesTo(StreamingJsonDelegate.class) Closure c, Object o)

public static void curryDelegateAndGetContent(Writer w, @DelegatesTo(StreamingJsonDelegate.class) Closure c, Object o, boolean first)

public Writer getWriter()

Obtains the current writer

public Object invokeMethod(String name, Object args)

public static boolean isCollectionWithClosure(Object[] args)

protected void verifyValue()

protected void writeArray(List<Object> list)

public static Object writeCollectionWithClosure(Writer writer, Collection coll, @DelegatesTo(StreamingJsonDelegate.class) Closure closure)

protected void writeName(String name)

protected void writeValue(Object value)

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