[Java] Class GeneralUtils
- org.codehaus.groovy.ast.tools.GeneralUtils
public class GeneralUtils extends Object
Handy methods when working with the Groovy AST
Field Summary
Modifiers | Name | Description |
static Token | AND | |
static Token | ASSIGN | |
static Token | CMP | |
static Token | EQ | |
static Token | INSTANCEOF | |
static Token | LT | |
static Token | NE | |
static Token | NOT_IDENTICAL | |
static Token | OR |
Methods Summary
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
public static BinaryExpression |
andX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv) | |
public static ArgumentListExpression |
args(Expression expressions) | |
public static ArgumentListExpression |
args(List<Expression> expressions) | |
public static ArgumentListExpression |
args(Parameter parameters) | |
public static ArgumentListExpression |
args(String names) | |
public static CastExpression |
asX(ClassNode type, Expression expression) | |
public static Statement |
assignNullS(Expression target) | |
public static Statement |
assignS(Expression target, Expression value) | |
public static Expression |
assignX(Expression target, Expression value) | |
public static Expression |
attrX(Expression oe, Expression prop) | |
public static BinaryExpression |
binX(Expression left, Token token, Expression right) | |
public static BlockStatement |
block(VariableScope scope, Statement stmts) | |
public static BlockStatement |
block(VariableScope scope, List<Statement> stmts) | |
public static BlockStatement |
block(Statement stmts) | |
public static BooleanExpression |
boolX(Expression expr) | |
public static BytecodeExpression |
bytecodeX(Consumer<org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor> writer) | |
public static BytecodeExpression |
bytecodeX(ClassNode type, Consumer<org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor> writer) | |
public static MethodCallExpression |
callSuperX(String methodName) | |
public static MethodCallExpression |
callSuperX(String methodName, Expression args) | |
public static MethodCallExpression |
callThisX(String methodName) | |
public static MethodCallExpression |
callThisX(String methodName, Expression args) | |
public static MethodCallExpression |
callX(Expression receiver, String methodName) | |
public static MethodCallExpression |
callX(Expression receiver, String methodName, Expression args) | |
public static MethodCallExpression |
callX(Expression receiver, Expression method, Expression args) | |
public static StaticMethodCallExpression |
callX(ClassNode receiver, String methodName) | |
public static StaticMethodCallExpression |
callX(ClassNode receiver, String methodName, Expression args) | |
public static CastExpression |
castX(ClassNode type, Expression expression) | |
public static CastExpression |
castX(ClassNode type, Expression expression, boolean ignoreAutoboxing) | |
public static CatchStatement |
catchS(Parameter variable, Statement code) | |
public static ListExpression |
classList2args(List<String> args) | |
public static ClassExpression |
classX(ClassNode clazz) | |
public static ClassExpression |
classX(Class<?> clazz) | |
public static Parameter[] |
cloneParams(Parameter[] parameters) | |
public static ClosureExpression |
closureX(Parameter[] params, Statement code) | |
public static ClosureExpression |
closureX(Statement code) | |
public static BinaryExpression |
cmpX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv) Builds a binary expression that compares two values. | |
public static ConstantExpression |
constX(Object val) | |
public static ConstantExpression |
constX(Object val, boolean keepPrimitive) | |
public static String |
convertASTToSource(ReaderSource readerSource, ASTNode expression) Converts an expression into the String source. | |
public static void |
copyAnnotatedNodeAnnotations(AnnotatedNode annotatedNode, List<AnnotationNode> copied, List<AnnotationNode> notCopied) Copies all candidateAnnotations with retention policy RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME and RetentionPolicy.CLASS. | |
public static void |
copyAnnotatedNodeAnnotations(AnnotatedNode annotatedNode, List<AnnotationNode> copied, List<AnnotationNode> notCopied, boolean includeGenerated) Copies all candidateAnnotations with retention policy RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME and RetentionPolicy.CLASS. | |
public static boolean |
copyStatementsWithSuperAdjustment(ClosureExpression pre, BlockStatement body) | |
public static Statement |
createConstructorStatementDefault(FieldNode fNode) | |
public static Statement |
ctorSuperS(Expression args) | |
public static Statement |
ctorSuperS() | |
public static ConstructorCallExpression |
ctorSuperX(Expression args) | |
public static ConstructorCallExpression |
ctorSuperX() | |
public static Statement |
ctorThisS(Expression args) | |
public static Statement |
ctorThisS() | |
public static ConstructorCallExpression |
ctorThisX(Expression args) | |
public static ConstructorCallExpression |
ctorThisX() | |
public static ConstructorCallExpression |
ctorX(ClassNode type, Expression args) | |
public static ConstructorCallExpression |
ctorX(ClassNode type) | |
public static Statement |
declS(Expression target, Expression init) | |
public static DeclarationExpression |
declX(Expression target, Expression init) | |
public static MapEntryExpression |
entryX(Expression key, Expression value) | |
public static BinaryExpression |
eqX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv) | |
public static BooleanExpression |
equalsNullX(Expression argExpr) | |
public static FieldExpression |
fieldX(FieldNode fieldNode) | |
public static FieldExpression |
fieldX(ClassNode owner, String fieldName) | |
public static Expression |
findArg(String argName) | |
public static List<MethodNode> |
getAllMethods(ClassNode type) | |
public static List<PropertyNode> |
getAllProperties(ClassNode type) | |
public static List<PropertyNode> |
getAllProperties(Set<String> names, ClassNode cNode, boolean includeProperties, boolean includeFields, boolean includePseudoGetters, boolean includePseudoSetters, boolean traverseSuperClasses, boolean skipReadonly) | |
public static List<PropertyNode> |
getAllProperties(Set<String> names, ClassNode origType, ClassNode cNode, boolean includeProperties, boolean includeFields, boolean includePseudoGetters, boolean includePseudoSetters, boolean traverseSuperClasses, boolean skipReadonly) | |
public static List<PropertyNode> |
getAllProperties(Set<String> names, ClassNode origType, ClassNode cNode, boolean includeProperties, boolean includeFields, boolean includePseudoGetters, boolean includePseudoSetters, boolean traverseSuperClasses, boolean skipReadonly, boolean reverse, boolean allNames, boolean includeStatic) | |
public static String |
getGetterName(PropertyNode pNode) | |
public static List<String> |
getInstanceNonPropertyFieldNames(ClassNode cNode) | |
public static List<FieldNode> |
getInstanceNonPropertyFields(ClassNode cNode) | |
public static List<PropertyNode> |
getInstanceProperties(ClassNode cNode) | |
public static List<FieldNode> |
getInstancePropertyFields(ClassNode cNode) | |
public static List<String> |
getInstancePropertyNames(ClassNode cNode) | |
public static Set<ClassNode> |
getInterfacesAndSuperInterfaces(ClassNode type) | |
public static String |
getSetterName(String name) | |
public static List<FieldNode> |
getSuperNonPropertyFields(ClassNode cNode) | |
public static List<FieldNode> |
getSuperPropertyFields(ClassNode cNode) | |
public static Expression |
getterThisX(ClassNode annotatedNode, PropertyNode pNode) This method is similar to propX(Expression, Expression) but will make sure that if the property being accessed is defined inside the classnode provided as a parameter, then a getter call is generated instead of a field access. | |
public static Expression |
getterX(ClassNode annotatedNode, Expression receiver, PropertyNode pNode) This method is similar to propX(Expression, Expression) but will make sure that if the property being accessed is defined inside the classnode provided as a parameter, then a getter call is generated instead of a field access. | |
public static BinaryExpression |
hasClassX(Expression instance, ClassNode cNode) | |
public static boolean |
hasDeclaredMethod(ClassNode cNode, String name, int argsCount) | |
public static BinaryExpression |
hasEqualFieldX(FieldNode fNode, Expression other) | |
public static BinaryExpression |
hasEqualPropertyX(ClassNode annotatedNode, PropertyNode pNode, VariableExpression other) | |
public static BinaryExpression |
hasEqualPropertyX(PropertyNode pNode, Expression other) | |
public static BooleanExpression |
hasSameFieldX(FieldNode fNode, Expression other) | |
public static BooleanExpression |
hasSamePropertyX(PropertyNode pNode, Expression other) | |
public static IfStatement |
ifElseS(Expression cond, Statement thenStmt, Statement elseStmt) | |
public static Statement |
ifElseS$$bridge(Expression cond, Statement thenStmt, Statement elseStmt) | |
public static IfStatement |
ifS(Expression cond, Expression trueExpr) | |
public static IfStatement |
ifS(Expression cond, Statement trueStmt) | |
public static Statement |
ifS$$bridge(Expression cond, Expression trueExpr) | |
public static Statement |
ifS$$bridge(Expression cond, Statement trueStmt) | |
public static boolean |
inSamePackage(ClassNode first, ClassNode second) | |
public static boolean |
inSamePackage(Class<?> first, Class<?> second) | |
public static Expression |
indexX(Expression target, Expression value) | |
public static boolean |
isDefaultVisibility(int modifiers) | |
public static BooleanExpression |
isInstanceOfX(Expression objectExpression, ClassNode cNode) | |
public static BooleanExpression |
isNullX(Expression expr) Alias for equalsNullX(Expression) | |
public static BooleanExpression |
isOneX(Expression expr) | |
public static boolean |
isOrImplements(ClassNode type, ClassNode interfaceType) | |
public static BooleanExpression |
isTrueX(Expression argExpr) | |
public static BooleanExpression |
isZeroX(Expression expr) | |
public static ListExpression |
list2args(List<?> args) | |
public static ListExpression |
listX(List<Expression> args) | |
public static VariableExpression |
localVarX(String name) | |
public static VariableExpression |
localVarX(String name, ClassNode type) | |
public static BinaryExpression |
ltX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv) | |
public static String |
makeDescriptorWithoutReturnType(MethodNode mn)
| |
public static MapExpression |
mapX(List<MapEntryExpression> expressions) | |
public static BinaryExpression |
neX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv) | |
public static BinaryExpression |
notIdenticalX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv) | |
public static BooleanExpression |
notNullX(Expression argExpr) | |
public static NotExpression |
notX(Expression expr) | |
public static ConstantExpression |
nullX() | |
public static BinaryExpression |
orX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv) | |
public static Parameter |
param(ClassNode type, String name) | |
public static Parameter |
param(ClassNode type, String name, Expression initialExpression) | |
public static Parameter[] |
params(Parameter params) | |
public static BinaryExpression |
plusX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv) | |
public static PropertyExpression |
propX(Expression owner, String property) | |
public static PropertyExpression |
propX(Expression owner, Expression property) | |
public static PropertyExpression |
propX(Expression owner, Expression property, boolean safe) | |
public static Expression |
propX$$bridge(Expression owner, String property) | |
public static Expression |
propX$$bridge(Expression owner, Expression property) | |
public static Statement |
returnS(Expression expr) | |
public static Statement |
safeExpression(Expression fieldExpr, Expression expression) | |
public static BooleanExpression |
sameX(Expression self, Expression other) | |
public static Statement |
stmt(Expression expr) | |
public static TernaryExpression |
ternaryX(Expression cond, Expression trueExpr, Expression elseExpr) | |
public static PropertyExpression |
thisPropX(boolean implicit, String property) | |
public static ThrowStatement |
throwS(Expression expr) | |
public static TryCatchStatement |
tryCatchS(Statement tryStatement) | |
public static TryCatchStatement |
tryCatchS(Statement tryStatement, Statement finallyStatement) | |
public static VariableExpression |
varX(String name) | |
public static VariableExpression |
varX(Variable variable) | |
public static VariableExpression |
varX(String name, ClassNode type) | |
public void |
visit(org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor visitor) |
Inherited Methods Summary
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class Object | wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll |
Field Detail
public static final Token AND
public static final Token ASSIGN
public static final Token CMP
public static final Token EQ
public static final Token INSTANCEOF
public static final Token LT
public static final Token NE
public static final Token NOT_IDENTICAL
public static final Token OR
Method Detail
public static BinaryExpression andX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv)
public static ArgumentListExpression args(Expression expressions)
public static ArgumentListExpression args(List<Expression> expressions)
public static ArgumentListExpression args(Parameter parameters)
public static ArgumentListExpression args(String names)
public static CastExpression asX(ClassNode type, Expression expression)
public static Statement assignNullS(Expression target)
public static Statement assignS(Expression target, Expression value)
public static Expression assignX(Expression target, Expression value)
public static Expression attrX(Expression oe, Expression prop)
public static BinaryExpression binX(Expression left, Token token, Expression right)
public static BlockStatement block(VariableScope scope, Statement stmts)
public static BlockStatement block(VariableScope scope, List<Statement> stmts)
public static BlockStatement block(Statement stmts)
public static BooleanExpression boolX(Expression expr)
public static BytecodeExpression bytecodeX(Consumer<org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor> writer)
public static BytecodeExpression bytecodeX(ClassNode type, Consumer<org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor> writer)
public static MethodCallExpression callSuperX(String methodName)
public static MethodCallExpression callSuperX(String methodName, Expression args)
public static MethodCallExpression callThisX(String methodName)
public static MethodCallExpression callThisX(String methodName, Expression args)
public static MethodCallExpression callX(Expression receiver, String methodName)
public static MethodCallExpression callX(Expression receiver, String methodName, Expression args)
public static MethodCallExpression callX(Expression receiver, Expression method, Expression args)
public static StaticMethodCallExpression callX(ClassNode receiver, String methodName)
public static StaticMethodCallExpression callX(ClassNode receiver, String methodName, Expression args)
public static CastExpression castX(ClassNode type, Expression expression)
public static CastExpression castX(ClassNode type, Expression expression, boolean ignoreAutoboxing)
public static CatchStatement catchS(Parameter variable, Statement code)
public static ListExpression classList2args(List<String> args)
public static ClassExpression classX(ClassNode clazz)
public static ClassExpression classX(Class<?> clazz)
public static Parameter[] cloneParams(Parameter[] parameters)
public static ClosureExpression closureX(Parameter[] params, Statement code)
public static ClosureExpression closureX(Statement code)
public static BinaryExpression cmpX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv)
Builds a binary expression that compares two values.
- Parameters:
- expression for the value to compare from -
- expression for the value value to compare to
- Returns:
- the expression comparing two values
public static ConstantExpression constX(Object val)
public static ConstantExpression constX(Object val, boolean keepPrimitive)
public static String convertASTToSource(ReaderSource readerSource, ASTNode expression)
Converts an expression into the String source. Only some specific expressions like closure expression support this.
- throws:
- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when expression is null
- throws:
- java.lang.Exception when closure can't be read from source
- Parameters:
- a source -
- an expression. Can't be null
- Returns:
- the source the closure was created from
public static void copyAnnotatedNodeAnnotations(AnnotatedNode annotatedNode, List<AnnotationNode> copied, List<AnnotationNode> notCopied)
Copies all candidateAnnotations with retention policy RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME and RetentionPolicy.CLASS.
Annotations with GeneratedClosure members are not supported at present.
public static void copyAnnotatedNodeAnnotations(AnnotatedNode annotatedNode, List<AnnotationNode> copied, List<AnnotationNode> notCopied, boolean includeGenerated)
Copies all candidateAnnotations with retention policy RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME and RetentionPolicy.CLASS. Generated annotations will be copied if includeGenerated
is true.
Annotations with GeneratedClosure members are not supported at present.
public static boolean copyStatementsWithSuperAdjustment(ClosureExpression pre, BlockStatement body)
public static Statement createConstructorStatementDefault(FieldNode fNode)
public static Statement ctorSuperS(Expression args)
public static Statement ctorSuperS()
public static ConstructorCallExpression ctorSuperX(Expression args)
public static ConstructorCallExpression ctorSuperX()
public static Statement ctorThisS(Expression args)
public static Statement ctorThisS()
public static ConstructorCallExpression ctorThisX(Expression args)
public static ConstructorCallExpression ctorThisX()
public static ConstructorCallExpression ctorX(ClassNode type, Expression args)
public static ConstructorCallExpression ctorX(ClassNode type)
public static Statement declS(Expression target, Expression init)
public static DeclarationExpression declX(Expression target, Expression init)
public static MapEntryExpression entryX(Expression key, Expression value)
public static BinaryExpression eqX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv)
public static BooleanExpression equalsNullX(Expression argExpr)
public static FieldExpression fieldX(FieldNode fieldNode)
public static FieldExpression fieldX(ClassNode owner, String fieldName)
public static Expression findArg(String argName)
public static List<MethodNode> getAllMethods(ClassNode type)
public static List<PropertyNode> getAllProperties(ClassNode type)
public static List<PropertyNode> getAllProperties(Set<String> names, ClassNode cNode, boolean includeProperties, boolean includeFields, boolean includePseudoGetters, boolean includePseudoSetters, boolean traverseSuperClasses, boolean skipReadonly)
public static List<PropertyNode> getAllProperties(Set<String> names, ClassNode origType, ClassNode cNode, boolean includeProperties, boolean includeFields, boolean includePseudoGetters, boolean includePseudoSetters, boolean traverseSuperClasses, boolean skipReadonly)
public static List<PropertyNode> getAllProperties(Set<String> names, ClassNode origType, ClassNode cNode, boolean includeProperties, boolean includeFields, boolean includePseudoGetters, boolean includePseudoSetters, boolean traverseSuperClasses, boolean skipReadonly, boolean reverse, boolean allNames, boolean includeStatic)
public static String getGetterName(PropertyNode pNode)
public static List<String> getInstanceNonPropertyFieldNames(ClassNode cNode)
public static List<FieldNode> getInstanceNonPropertyFields(ClassNode cNode)
public static List<PropertyNode> getInstanceProperties(ClassNode cNode)
public static List<FieldNode> getInstancePropertyFields(ClassNode cNode)
public static List<String> getInstancePropertyNames(ClassNode cNode)
public static Set<ClassNode> getInterfacesAndSuperInterfaces(ClassNode type)
public static String getSetterName(String name)
public static List<FieldNode> getSuperNonPropertyFields(ClassNode cNode)
public static List<FieldNode> getSuperPropertyFields(ClassNode cNode)
public static Expression getterThisX(ClassNode annotatedNode, PropertyNode pNode)
This method is similar to propX(Expression, Expression) but will make sure that if the property being accessed is defined inside the classnode provided as a parameter, then a getter call is generated instead of a field access.
- Parameters:
- the class node where the property node is accessed from -
- the property being accessed
- Returns:
- a method call expression or a property expression
public static Expression getterX(ClassNode annotatedNode, Expression receiver, PropertyNode pNode)
This method is similar to propX(Expression, Expression) but will make sure that if the property being accessed is defined inside the classnode provided as a parameter, then a getter call is generated instead of a field access.
- Parameters:
- the class node where the property node is accessed from -
- the object having the property -
- the property being accessed
- Returns:
- a method call expression or a property expression
public static BinaryExpression hasClassX(Expression instance, ClassNode cNode)
public static boolean hasDeclaredMethod(ClassNode cNode, String name, int argsCount)
public static BinaryExpression hasEqualFieldX(FieldNode fNode, Expression other)
public static BinaryExpression hasEqualPropertyX(ClassNode annotatedNode, PropertyNode pNode, VariableExpression other)
@Deprecated public static BinaryExpression hasEqualPropertyX(PropertyNode pNode, Expression other)
public static BooleanExpression hasSameFieldX(FieldNode fNode, Expression other)
public static BooleanExpression hasSamePropertyX(PropertyNode pNode, Expression other)
public static IfStatement ifElseS(Expression cond, Statement thenStmt, Statement elseStmt)
@Deprecated public static Statement ifElseS$$bridge(Expression cond, Statement thenStmt, Statement elseStmt)
public static IfStatement ifS(Expression cond, Expression trueExpr)
public static IfStatement ifS(Expression cond, Statement trueStmt)
@Deprecated public static Statement ifS$$bridge(Expression cond, Expression trueExpr)
@Deprecated public static Statement ifS$$bridge(Expression cond, Statement trueStmt)
public static boolean inSamePackage(ClassNode first, ClassNode second)
public static boolean inSamePackage(Class<?> first, Class<?> second)
public static Expression indexX(Expression target, Expression value)
public static boolean isDefaultVisibility(int modifiers)
public static BooleanExpression isInstanceOfX(Expression objectExpression, ClassNode cNode)
public static BooleanExpression isNullX(Expression expr)
Alias for equalsNullX(Expression)
public static BooleanExpression isOneX(Expression expr)
public static boolean isOrImplements(ClassNode type, ClassNode interfaceType)
public static BooleanExpression isTrueX(Expression argExpr)
public static BooleanExpression isZeroX(Expression expr)
public static ListExpression list2args(List<?> args)
public static ListExpression listX(List<Expression> args)
public static VariableExpression localVarX(String name)
public static VariableExpression localVarX(String name, ClassNode type)
public static BinaryExpression ltX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv)
@Deprecated public static String makeDescriptorWithoutReturnType(MethodNode mn)
- deprecated:
- use MethodNodeUtils#methodDescriptorWithoutReturnType(MethodNode) instead
public static MapExpression mapX(List<MapEntryExpression> expressions)
public static BinaryExpression neX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv)
public static BinaryExpression notIdenticalX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv)
public static BooleanExpression notNullX(Expression argExpr)
public static NotExpression notX(Expression expr)
public static ConstantExpression nullX()
public static BinaryExpression orX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv)
public static Parameter param(ClassNode type, String name)
public static Parameter param(ClassNode type, String name, Expression initialExpression)
public static Parameter[] params(Parameter params)
public static BinaryExpression plusX(Expression lhv, Expression rhv)
public static PropertyExpression propX(Expression owner, String property)
public static PropertyExpression propX(Expression owner, Expression property)
public static PropertyExpression propX(Expression owner, Expression property, boolean safe)
@Deprecated public static Expression propX$$bridge(Expression owner, String property)
@Deprecated public static Expression propX$$bridge(Expression owner, Expression property)
public static Statement returnS(Expression expr)
public static Statement safeExpression(Expression fieldExpr, Expression expression)
public static BooleanExpression sameX(Expression self, Expression other)
public static Statement stmt(Expression expr)
public static TernaryExpression ternaryX(Expression cond, Expression trueExpr, Expression elseExpr)
public static PropertyExpression thisPropX(boolean implicit, String property)
public static ThrowStatement throwS(Expression expr)
public static TryCatchStatement tryCatchS(Statement tryStatement)
public static TryCatchStatement tryCatchS(Statement tryStatement, Statement finallyStatement)
public static VariableExpression varX(String name)
public static VariableExpression varX(Variable variable)
public static VariableExpression varX(String name, ClassNode type)
@Override public void visit(org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor visitor)
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