[Java] Class SemanticPredicates

  • org.apache.groovy.parser.antlr4.SemanticPredicates
public class SemanticPredicates
extends Object

Some semantic predicates for altering the behaviour of the lexer and parser

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public static boolean isFollowedBy(CharStream cs, char chars)
public static boolean isFollowedByJavaLetterInGString(CharStream cs)
public static boolean isFollowedByWhiteSpaces(CharStream cs)
public static boolean isFollowingArgumentsOrClosure(ExpressionContext context)
Check whether following a method name of command expression.
public static boolean isInvalidLocalVariableDeclaration(TokenStream ts)
Distinguish between local variable declaration and method call, e.g.
public static boolean isInvalidMethodDeclaration(TokenStream ts)
Distinguish between method declaration and method call/constructor declaration

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Method Detail

public static boolean isFollowedBy(CharStream cs, char chars)

public static boolean isFollowedByJavaLetterInGString(CharStream cs)

public static boolean isFollowedByWhiteSpaces(CharStream cs)

public static boolean isFollowingArgumentsOrClosure(ExpressionContext context)

Check whether following a method name of command expression. Method name should not end with "2: arguments" and "3: closure"

context - the preceding expression

public static boolean isInvalidLocalVariableDeclaration(TokenStream ts)

Distinguish between local variable declaration and method call, e.g. `a b`

public static boolean isInvalidMethodDeclaration(TokenStream ts)

Distinguish between method declaration and method call/constructor declaration

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