[Java] Class MetaMethodIndex

  • org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MetaMethodIndex
public class MetaMethodIndex
extends Object

Nested Class Summary

Nested classes
Modifiers Name Description
static class MetaMethodIndex.CacheEntry
static class MetaMethodIndex.Entry
interface MetaMethodIndex.EntryIterator
static class MetaMethodIndex.Header

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
protected static int DEFAULT_CAPACITY
protected static int MAXIMUM_CAPACITY
protected static int MINIMUM_CAPACITY
SingleKeyHashMap methodHeaders
protected int size
protected Map.Entry[] table
protected int threshold

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
MetaMethodIndex (CachedClass theCachedClass)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public Object addMethodToList(Object o, MetaMethod toIndex)
public void clear()
public void clearCaches()
public void clearCaches(String name)
public void copy(Class c, MetaMethodIndex.Header index)
public void copy(MetaMethodIndex.Header from, MetaMethodIndex.Header to)
public void copyAllMethodsToSuper(MetaMethodIndex.Header from, MetaMethodIndex.Header to)
public void copyMethodsToSuper()
public void copyNonPrivateMethods(Class from, Class to)
public void copyNonPrivateMethods(MetaMethodIndex.Header from, MetaMethodIndex.Header to)
public void copyNonPrivateMethodsDown(Class from, Class to)
public void copyNonPrivateMethodsFromSuper(MetaMethodIndex.Header from)
public void copyNonPrivateNonNewMetaMethods(MetaMethodIndex.Header from, MetaMethodIndex.Header to)
public MetaMethodIndex.EntryIterator getEntrySetIterator()
public MetaMethodIndex.Header getHeader(Class cls)
public final Map.Entry getMethods(Class cls, String name)
public Map.Entry getOrPutMethods(String name, MetaMethodIndex.Header header)
public Map.Entry[] getTable()
public boolean hasNext()
public static int hash(int h)
public void init(int initCapacity)
public boolean isEmpty()
public Map.Entry next()
public void resize(int newLength)
public int size()

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Field Detail

protected static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY

protected static final int MAXIMUM_CAPACITY

protected static final int MINIMUM_CAPACITY

public SingleKeyHashMap methodHeaders

protected int size

protected Map.Entry[] table

protected int threshold

Constructor Detail

public MetaMethodIndex(CachedClass theCachedClass)

Method Detail

public Object addMethodToList(Object o, MetaMethod toIndex)

public void clear()

public void clearCaches()

public void clearCaches(String name)

public void copy(Class c, MetaMethodIndex.Header index)

public void copy(MetaMethodIndex.Header from, MetaMethodIndex.Header to)

public void copyAllMethodsToSuper(MetaMethodIndex.Header from, MetaMethodIndex.Header to)

public void copyMethodsToSuper()

public void copyNonPrivateMethods(Class from, Class to)

public void copyNonPrivateMethods(MetaMethodIndex.Header from, MetaMethodIndex.Header to)

public void copyNonPrivateMethodsDown(Class from, Class to)

public void copyNonPrivateMethodsFromSuper(MetaMethodIndex.Header from)

public void copyNonPrivateNonNewMetaMethods(MetaMethodIndex.Header from, MetaMethodIndex.Header to)

public MetaMethodIndex.EntryIterator getEntrySetIterator()

public MetaMethodIndex.Header getHeader(Class cls)

public final Map.Entry getMethods(Class cls, String name)

public Map.Entry getOrPutMethods(String name, MetaMethodIndex.Header header)

public Map.Entry[] getTable()

@Override public boolean hasNext()

public static int hash(int h)

public void init(int initCapacity)

public boolean isEmpty()

@Override public Map.Entry next()

public void resize(int newLength)

public int size()

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