[Java] Class ObservableList.ObservableListIterator

  • groovy.util.ObservableList.ObservableListIterator
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
protected class ObservableList.ObservableListIterator
extends ObservableIterator
implements ListIterator

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
ObservableListIterator (ListIterator iterDelegate, int index)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public void add(Object o)
public ListIterator getListIterator()
public boolean hasPrevious()
public int nextIndex()
public Object previous()
public int previousIndex()
public void set(Object o)

Constructor Detail

public ObservableListIterator(ListIterator iterDelegate, int index)

Method Detail

public void add(Object o)

public ListIterator getListIterator()

public boolean hasPrevious()

public int nextIndex()

public Object previous()

public int previousIndex()

public void set(Object o)

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