[Java] Interface CharacterSource

public interface CharacterSource

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public boolean consumeIfMatch(char[] match)
Useful for finding constants in a string like true, false, etc.
public int currentChar()
returns the current character without changing the IO pointer or index.
public String errorDetails(String message)
public char[] findNextChar(int ch, int esc)
Used to find strings and their ilk Finds the next non-escaped char
public boolean hadEscape()
public boolean hasChar()
Checks to see if there is a next character.
public int location()
This is mostly for debugging and testing.
public int nextChar()
returns the next character moving the file pointer or index to the next location.
public char[] readNumber()
Reads a number from the character source.
public int safeNextChar()
Combines the operations of nextChar and hasChar.
public void skipWhiteSpace()
Skip white space.

Method Detail

public boolean consumeIfMatch(char[] match)

Useful for finding constants in a string like true, false, etc.

public int currentChar()

returns the current character without changing the IO pointer or index.

public String errorDetails(String message)

public char[] findNextChar(int ch, int esc)

Used to find strings and their ilk Finds the next non-escaped char

ch - character to find
esc - escape character to avoid next char if escaped
list of chars until this is found.

public boolean hadEscape()

public boolean hasChar()

Checks to see if there is a next character.

public int location()

This is mostly for debugging and testing.

public int nextChar()

returns the next character moving the file pointer or index to the next location.

public char[] readNumber()

Reads a number from the character source.

public int safeNextChar()

Combines the operations of nextChar and hasChar. Characters is -1 if not found which signifies end of file. This might be preferable to avoid two method calls.

public void skipWhiteSpace()

Skip white space.

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