[Java] Annotation Type ImmutableOptions

  • groovy.transform.ImmutableOptions
public @interface ImmutableOptions

Class annotation used to assist in the creation of immutable classes. Defines any known immutable properties (or fields) or known immutable classes.

See Also:

Element Summary

Optional Element Summary
Type Name and Description
Class[] knownImmutableClasses
Allows you to provide @Immutable with a list of classes which are deemed immutable.
String[] knownImmutables
Allows you to provide @Immutable with a list of property names which are deemed immutable.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Element Detail

public Class[] knownImmutableClasses

Allows you to provide @Immutable with a list of classes which are deemed immutable. By supplying a class in this list, you are vouching for its immutability and @Immutable will do no further checks. Example:

 import groovy.transform.*
 @Immutable(knownImmutableClasses = [Address])
 class Person {
     String first, last
     Address address

 class Address {
     final String street

public String[] knownImmutables

Allows you to provide @Immutable with a list of property names which are deemed immutable. By supplying a property's name in this list, you are vouching for its immutability and @Immutable will do no further checks. Example:

 @groovy.transform.Immutable(knownImmutables = ['address'])
 class Person {
     String first, last
     Address address

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