[Java] Class JsonGenerator.Options

  • groovy.json.JsonGenerator.Options
public class JsonGenerator.Options

A builder used to construct a JsonGenerator instance that allows control over the serialized JSON output. If you do not need to customize the output it is recommended to use the static JsonOutput.toJson methods.


     def generator = new groovy.json.JsonGenerator.Options()
                         .excludeFieldsByName('bar', 'baz')

     def input = [foo: null, lastUpdated: Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd', '2014-10-24'),
                   bar: 'foo', baz: 'foo', systemDate: new java.sql.Date(new Date().getTime())]

     assert generator.toJson(input) == '{"lastUpdated":"2014"}'

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
protected static String DEFAULT_TIMEZONE
protected static String JSON_DATE_FORMAT
protected static Locale JSON_DATE_FORMAT_LOCALE
protected Set<Converter> converters
protected String dateFormat
protected Locale dateLocale
protected boolean disableUnicodeEscaping
protected boolean excludeNulls
protected Set<String> excludedFieldNames
protected Set<Class<?>> excludedFieldTypes
protected TimeZone timezone

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
Options ()

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public Options addConverter(Converter converter)
Registers a converter that will be called when a type it handles is encountered.
<T> public Options addConverter(Class<T> type, Closure<?> closure)
Registers a closure that will be called when the specified type or subtype is serialized.
public JsonGenerator build()
Creates a JsonGenerator that is based on the current options.
public Options dateFormat(String format)
Sets the date format that will be used to serialize Date objects.
public Options dateFormat(String format, Locale locale)
Sets the date format that will be used to serialize Date objects.
public Options disableUnicodeEscaping()
Disables the escaping of Unicode characters in JSON String values.
public Options excludeFieldsByName(CharSequence fieldNames)
Excludes from the output any fields that match the specified names.
public Options excludeFieldsByName(Iterable<? extends CharSequence> fieldNames)
Excludes from the output any fields that match the specified names.
public Options excludeFieldsByType(Class<?> types)
Excludes from the output any fields whose type is the same or is assignable to any of the given types.
public Options excludeFieldsByType(Iterable<Class<?>> types)
Excludes from the output any fields whose type is the same or is assignable to any of the given types.
public Options excludeNulls()
Do not serialize null values.
public Options timezone(String timezone)
Sets the time zone that will be used to serialize dates.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Field Detail

protected static final String DEFAULT_TIMEZONE

protected static final String JSON_DATE_FORMAT

protected static final Locale JSON_DATE_FORMAT_LOCALE

protected final Set<Converter> converters

protected String dateFormat

protected Locale dateLocale

protected boolean disableUnicodeEscaping

protected boolean excludeNulls

protected final Set<String> excludedFieldNames

protected final Set<Class<?>> excludedFieldTypes

protected TimeZone timezone

Constructor Detail

public Options()

Method Detail

public Options addConverter(Converter converter)

Registers a converter that will be called when a type it handles is encountered.

converter - to register
a reference to this Options instance

<T> public Options addConverter(Class<T> type, @ClosureParams(value=FromString.class, options={"T","T,String"}) Closure<?> closure)

Registers a closure that will be called when the specified type or subtype is serialized.

The closure must accept either 1 or 2 parameters. The first parameter is required and will be instance of the type for which the closure is registered. The second optional parameter should be of type String and, if available, will be passed the name of the key associated with this value if serializing a JSON Object. This parameter will be null when serializing a JSON Array or when there is no way to determine the name of the key.


     def generator = new groovy.json.JsonGenerator.Options()
                         .addConverter(URL) { URL u ->

     def input = [domain: new URL('http://groovy-lang.org/json.html#_parser_variants')]

     assert generator.toJson(input) == '{"domain":"groovy-lang.org"}'

If two or more closures are registered for the exact same type the last closure based on the order they were specified will be used. When serializing an object its type is compared to the list of registered types in the order the were given and the closure for the first suitable type will be called. Therefore, it is important to register more specific types first.

type - the type to convert
closure - called when the registered type or any type assignable to the given type is encountered
Type Parameters:
T - the type this converter is registered to handle
a reference to this Options instance
NullPointerException if the given type or closure is null
IllegalArgumentException if the given closure does not accept a parameter of the given type

public JsonGenerator build()

Creates a JsonGenerator that is based on the current options.

a fully configured JsonGenerator

public Options dateFormat(String format)

Sets the date format that will be used to serialize Date objects. This must be a valid pattern for SimpleDateFormat and the date formatter will be constructed with the default locale of Locale.US.

format - date format pattern used to serialize dates
a reference to this Options instance
NullPointerException if the given pattern is null
IllegalArgumentException if the given pattern is invalid

public Options dateFormat(String format, Locale locale)

Sets the date format that will be used to serialize Date objects. This must be a valid pattern for SimpleDateFormat.

format - date format pattern used to serialize dates
locale - the locale whose date format symbols will be used
a reference to this Options instance
IllegalArgumentException if the given pattern is invalid

public Options disableUnicodeEscaping()

Disables the escaping of Unicode characters in JSON String values.

a reference to this Options instance

public Options excludeFieldsByName(CharSequence fieldNames)

Excludes from the output any fields that match the specified names.

fieldNames - name of the field to exclude from the output
a reference to this Options instance

public Options excludeFieldsByName(Iterable<? extends CharSequence> fieldNames)

Excludes from the output any fields that match the specified names.

fieldNames - collection of names to exclude from the output
a reference to this Options instance

public Options excludeFieldsByType(Class<?> types)

Excludes from the output any fields whose type is the same or is assignable to any of the given types.

types - excluded from the output
a reference to this Options instance

public Options excludeFieldsByType(Iterable<Class<?>> types)

Excludes from the output any fields whose type is the same or is assignable to any of the given types.

types - collection of types to exclude from the output
a reference to this Options instance

public Options excludeNulls()

Do not serialize null values.

a reference to this Options instance

public Options timezone(String timezone)

Sets the time zone that will be used to serialize dates.

timezone - used to serialize dates
a reference to this Options instance
NullPointerException if the given timezone is null

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