[Java] Class GroovyTestSuite

  • groovy.util.GroovyTestSuite
public class GroovyTestSuite
extends TestSuite

A TestSuite which will run a Groovy unit test case inside any Java IDE either as a unit test case or as an application.

You can specify the GroovyUnitTest to run by running this class as an application and specifying the script to run on the command line. java groovy.util.GroovyTestSuite src/test/Foo.groovy Or to run the test suite as a unit test suite in an IDE you can use the 'test' system property to define the test script to run. e.g. pass this into the JVM when the unit test plugin runs... -Dtest=src/test/Foo.groovy

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
protected static String file
protected GroovyClassLoader loader

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public Class compile(String fileName)
public void loadTestSuite()
public static void main(String[] args)
public GroovyClassLoader run()
public static Test suite()

Field Detail

protected static String file

protected final GroovyClassLoader loader

Method Detail

public Class compile(String fileName)

public void loadTestSuite()

public static void main(String[] args)

@Override public GroovyClassLoader run()

public static Test suite()

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