[Java] Interface LogASTTransformation.LoggingStrategy

public interface LogASTTransformation.LoggingStrategy

A LoggingStrategy defines how to wire a new logger instance into an existing class. It is meant to be used with the

family of annotations to allow you to write your own Log annotation provider.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public FieldNode addLoggerFieldToClass(ClassNode classNode, String fieldName, String categoryName)
In this method, you are given a ClassNode, a field name and a category name, and you must add a new Field onto the class.
public String getCategoryName(ClassNode classNode, String categoryName)
public boolean isLoggingMethod(String methodName)
public Expression wrapLoggingMethodCall(Expression logVariable, String methodName, Expression originalExpression)

Method Detail

public FieldNode addLoggerFieldToClass(ClassNode classNode, String fieldName, String categoryName)

In this method, you are given a ClassNode, a field name and a category name, and you must add a new Field onto the class. Return the result of the ClassNode.addField operations.

classNode - the class that was originally annotated with the Log transformation.
fieldName - the name of the logger field
categoryName - the name of the logging category
the FieldNode instance that was created and added to the class

public String getCategoryName(ClassNode classNode, String categoryName)

public boolean isLoggingMethod(String methodName)

public Expression wrapLoggingMethodCall(Expression logVariable, String methodName, Expression originalExpression)

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