[Java] Class MarkupTemplateEngine.CachingTemplateResolver

  • groovy.text.markup.MarkupTemplateEngine.CachingTemplateResolver
public static class MarkupTemplateEngine.CachingTemplateResolver
extends DefaultTemplateResolver

A template resolver which avoids calling ClassLoader.getResource if a template path already has been queried before. This improves performance if caching is enabled in the configuration.

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
protected Map<String, URL> cache
protected boolean useCache

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
CachingTemplateResolver (Map<String, URL> cache)
Creates a new caching template resolver.
CachingTemplateResolver ()
Creates a new caching template resolver using a concurrent hash map as the backing cache.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public void configure(ClassLoader templateClassLoader, TemplateConfiguration configuration)
public URL resolveTemplate(String templatePath)

Field Detail

protected final Map<String, URL> cache

protected boolean useCache

Constructor Detail

public CachingTemplateResolver(Map<String, URL> cache)

Creates a new caching template resolver. The cache implementation being used depends on the use of the template engine. If multiple templates can be rendered in parallel, it must be using a thread-safe cache.

cache - the backing cache

public CachingTemplateResolver()

Creates a new caching template resolver using a concurrent hash map as the backing cache.

Method Detail

@Override public void configure(ClassLoader templateClassLoader, TemplateConfiguration configuration)

@Override public URL resolveTemplate(String templatePath)

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