
Inherits: Resource < Reference < Object

Inherited By: StyleBoxImageMask, StyleBoxFlat, StyleBoxTexture, StyleBoxEmpty

Category: Core

Brief Description

Base class for drawing stylized boxes for the UI.

Member Functions

void draw ( RID canvas_item, Rect2 rect ) const
Vector2 get_center_size ( ) const
float get_default_margin ( int margin ) const
float get_margin ( int margin ) const
Vector2 get_minimum_size ( ) const
Vector2 get_offset ( ) const
void set_default_margin ( int margin, float offset )
bool test_mask ( Vector2 point, Rect2 rect ) const


StyleBox is Resource that provides an abstract base class for drawing stylized boxes for the UI. StyleBoxes are used for drawing the styles of buttons, line edit backgrounds, tree backgrounds, etc. and also for testing a transparency mask for pointer signals. If mask test fails on a StyleBox assigned as mask to a control, clicks and motion signals will go through it to the one below.

Member Function Description

void draw ( RID canvas_item, Rect2 rect ) const

Vector2 get_center_size ( ) const

float get_default_margin ( int margin ) const

Return the default offset of the margin “margin” (see MARGIN_* enum) of a StyleBox, Controls that draw styleboxes with context inside need to know the margin, so the border of the stylebox is not occluded.

float get_margin ( int margin ) const

Return the offset of margin “margin” (see MARGIN_* enum).

Vector2 get_minimum_size ( ) const

Return the minimum size that this stylebox can be shrunk to.

Vector2 get_offset ( ) const

Return the “offset” of a stylebox, this is a helper function, like writing Vector2(style.get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT), style.get_margin(MARGIN_TOP)).

void set_default_margin ( int margin, float offset )

Set the default offset “offset” of the margin “margin” (see MARGIN_* enum) for a StyleBox, Controls that draw styleboxes with context inside need to know the margin, so the border of the stylebox is not occluded.

bool test_mask ( Vector2 point, Rect2 rect ) const

Test a position in a rectangle, return whether it passes the mask test.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.