
Inherits: Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Control that provides a list of selectable items (and/or icons) in a single column, or optionally in multiple columns.

Member Functions

void add_icon_item ( Texture icon, bool selectable=true )
void add_item ( String text, Texture icon=NULL, bool selectable=true )
void clear ( )
void ensure_current_is_visible ( )
bool get_allow_rmb_select ( ) const
int get_fixed_column_width ( ) const
Vector2 get_fixed_icon_size ( ) const
int get_icon_mode ( ) const
float get_icon_scale ( ) const
int get_item_at_pos ( Vector2 pos, bool exact=false ) const
int get_item_count ( ) const
Color get_item_custom_bg_color ( int idx ) const
Texture get_item_icon ( int idx ) const
Rect2 get_item_icon_region ( int idx ) const
void get_item_metadata ( int idx ) const
String get_item_text ( int idx ) const
String get_item_tooltip ( int idx ) const
int get_max_columns ( ) const
int get_max_text_lines ( ) const
int get_select_mode ( ) const
IntArray get_selected_items ( )
Object get_v_scroll ( )
bool is_item_disabled ( int idx ) const
bool is_item_selectable ( int idx ) const
bool is_item_tooltip_enabled ( int idx ) const
int is_same_column_width ( ) const
bool is_selected ( int idx ) const
void remove_item ( int idx )
void select ( int idx, bool single=true )
void set_allow_rmb_select ( bool allow )
void set_fixed_column_width ( int width )
void set_fixed_icon_size ( Vector2 size )
void set_icon_mode ( int mode )
void set_icon_scale ( float scale )
void set_item_custom_bg_color ( int idx, Color custom_bg_color )
void set_item_disabled ( int idx, bool disabled )
void set_item_icon ( int idx, Texture icon )
void set_item_icon_region ( int idx, Rect2 rect )
void set_item_metadata ( int idx, Variant metadata )
void set_item_selectable ( int idx, bool selectable )
void set_item_text ( int idx, String text )
void set_item_tooltip ( int idx, String tooltip )
void set_item_tooltip_enabled ( int idx, bool enable )
void set_max_columns ( int amount )
void set_max_text_lines ( int lines )
void set_same_column_width ( bool enable )
void set_select_mode ( int mode )
void sort_items_by_text ( )
void unselect ( int idx )


  • item_activated ( int index )

Fired when specified list item is activated via double click or Enter.

Fired when specified list item has been selected via right mouse clicking.

The click position is also provided to allow appropriate popup of context menus

at the correct location.

  • item_selected ( int index )

Fired when specified item has been selected.

  • multi_selected ( int index, bool selected )

Fired when a multiple selection is altered on a list allowing mutliple selection.

Numeric Constants



This control provides a selectable list of items that may be in a single (or multiple columns) with option of text, icons,

or both text and icon. Tooltips are supported and may be different for every item in the list. Selectable items in the list

may be selected or deselected and multiple selection may be enabled. Selection with right mouse button may also be enabled

to allow use of popup context menus. Items may also be ‘activated’ with a double click (or Enter key).

Member Function Description

void add_icon_item ( Texture icon, bool selectable=true )

Adds an item to the item list with no text, only an icon.

void add_item ( String text, Texture icon=NULL, bool selectable=true )

Adds an item to the item list with specified text. Specify an icon of null for a list item with no icon.

If selectable is true the list item will be selectable.

void clear ( )

Remove all items from the list.

void ensure_current_is_visible ( )

Ensure selection is visible, adjusting the scroll position as necessary.

bool get_allow_rmb_select ( ) const

Return whether or not items may be selected via right mouse clicking.

int get_fixed_column_width ( ) const

If column size has been fixed to a value, return that value.

Vector2 get_fixed_icon_size ( ) const

int get_icon_mode ( ) const

float get_icon_scale ( ) const

int get_item_at_pos ( Vector2 pos, bool exact=false ) const

Given a position within the control return the item (if any) at that point.

int get_item_count ( ) const

Return count of items currently in the item list.

Color get_item_custom_bg_color ( int idx ) const

Texture get_item_icon ( int idx ) const

Rect2 get_item_icon_region ( int idx ) const

void get_item_metadata ( int idx ) const

String get_item_text ( int idx ) const

Return the text for specified item index.

String get_item_tooltip ( int idx ) const

Return tooltip hint for specified item index.

int get_max_columns ( ) const

Return total number of columns in use by the list.

int get_max_text_lines ( ) const

Return total number of lines currently in use by the list.

int get_select_mode ( ) const

IntArray get_selected_items ( )

Returns the list of selected indexes.

Object get_v_scroll ( )

Returns the current vertical scroll bar for the List.

bool is_item_disabled ( int idx ) const

Returns whether or not the item at the specified index is disabled

bool is_item_selectable ( int idx ) const

Returns whether or not the item at the specified index is selectable.

bool is_item_tooltip_enabled ( int idx ) const

Returns whether the tooptip is enabled for specified item index.

int is_same_column_width ( ) const

Returns whether or not all columns of the list are of the same size.

bool is_selected ( int idx ) const

Returns whether or not item at the specified index is currently selected.

void remove_item ( int idx )

Remove item at specified index from the list.

void select ( int idx, bool single=true )

Select the item at the specified index.

Note: This method does not trigger the item selection signal.

void set_allow_rmb_select ( bool allow )

Allow (or disallow) selection of (selectable) items in the list using right mouse button.

void set_fixed_column_width ( int width )

Set the size (width) all columns in the list are to use.

void set_fixed_icon_size ( Vector2 size )

void set_icon_mode ( int mode )

void set_icon_scale ( float scale )

void set_item_custom_bg_color ( int idx, Color custom_bg_color )

void set_item_disabled ( int idx, bool disabled )

Disable (or enable) item at specified index.

Disabled items are not be selectable and do not fire activation (Enter or double-click) signals.

void set_item_icon ( int idx, Texture icon )

Set (or replace) icon of the item at the specified index.

void set_item_icon_region ( int idx, Rect2 rect )

void set_item_metadata ( int idx, Variant metadata )

Sets a value (of any type) to be stored with the item at the specified index.

void set_item_selectable ( int idx, bool selectable )

Allow or disallow selection of the item at the specified index.

void set_item_text ( int idx, String text )

Sets text of item at specified index.

void set_item_tooltip ( int idx, String tooltip )

Sets tooltip hint for item at specified index.

void set_item_tooltip_enabled ( int idx, bool enable )

Sets whether the tooltip is enabled for specified item index.

void set_max_columns ( int amount )

Set maximum number of columns to use for the list.

void set_max_text_lines ( int lines )

Set maximum number of lines to use for the list.

void set_same_column_width ( bool enable )

Sets a fixed size (width) to use for all columns of the list.

void set_select_mode ( int mode )

void sort_items_by_text ( )

Sorts items in the list by their text.

void unselect ( int idx )

Ensure item at specified index is not selected.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.