Standard library header <functional>

This header is part of the function objects library and provides the standard hash function.


placeholders Defines placeholders for the unbound arguments in a std::bind expression
Defined in namespace std::placeholders
placeholders for the unbound arguments in a std::bind expression


wraps callable object of any type with specified function call signature
(class template)
creates a function object out of a pointer to a member
(function template)
the exception thrown when invoking an empty std::function
indicates that an object is std::bind expression or can be used as one
(class template)
indicates that an object is a standard placeholder or can be used as one
(class template)
CopyConstructible and CopyAssignable reference wrapper
(class template)
hash function object
(class template)

template<> struct hash<bool>; template<> struct hash<char>; template<> struct hash<signed char>; template<> struct hash<unsigned char>; template<> struct hash<char16_t>; template<> struct hash<char32_t>; template<> struct hash<wchar_t>; template<> struct hash<short>; template<> struct hash<unsigned short>; template<> struct hash<int>; template<> struct hash<unsigned int>; template<> struct hash<long>; template<> struct hash<long long>; template<> struct hash<unsigned long>; template<> struct hash<unsigned long long>; template<> struct hash<float>; template<> struct hash<double>; template<> struct hash<long double>; template< class T > struct hash<T*>;

std::hash specializations for built-in types
(class template specialization)


binds one or more arguments to a function object
(function template)
creates a std::reference_wrapper with a type deduced from its argument
(function template)
invokes any Callable object with given arguments
(function template)

Function Objects

Arithmetic operations
function object implementing x + y
(class template)
function object implementing x - y
(class template)
function object implementing x * y
(class template)
function object implementing x / y
(class template)
function object implementing x % y
(class template)
function object implementing -x
(class template)
function object implementing x == y
(class template)
function object implementing x != y
(class template)
function object implementing x > y
(class template)
function object implementing x < y
(class template)
function object implementing x >= y
(class template)
function object implementing x <= y
(class template)
Logical operations
function object implementing x && y
(class template)
function object implementing x || y
(class template)
function object implementing !x
(class template)
Bitwise operations
function object implementing x & y
(class template)
function object implementing x | y
(class template)
function object implementing x ^ y
(class template)
function object implementing ~x
(class template)
Creates a function object that returns the complement of the result of the function object it holds
(function template)
standard C++ library search algorithm implementation
(class template)
Boyer-Moore search algorithm implementation
(class template)
Boyer-Moore-Horspool search algorithm implementation
(class template)

Deprecated in C++11 and removed in C++17

(deprecated in C++11)(removed in C++17)
adaptor-compatible unary function base class
(class template)
(deprecated in C++11)(removed in C++17)
adaptor-compatible binary function base class
(class template)
(deprecated in C++11)(removed in C++17)
function object holding a binary function and one of its arguments
(class template)
(deprecated in C++11)(removed in C++17)
binds one argument to a binary function
(function template)
Function adaptors
(deprecated in C++11)(removed in C++17)
adaptor-compatible wrapper for a pointer to unary function
(class template)
(deprecated in C++11)(removed in C++17)
adaptor-compatible wrapper for a pointer to binary function
(class template)
(deprecated in C++11)(removed in C++17)
creates an adaptor-compatible function object wrapper from a pointer to function
(function template)
(deprecated in C++11)(removed in C++17)
wrapper for a pointer to nullary or unary member function, callable with a pointer to object
(class template)
(deprecated in C++11)(removed in C++17)
creates a wrapper from a pointer to member function, callable with a pointer to object
(function template)
(deprecated in C++11)(removed in C++17)
wrapper for a pointer to nullary or unary member function, callable with a reference to object
(class template)
(deprecated in C++11)(removed in C++17)
creates a wrapper from a pointer to member function, callable with a reference to object
(function template)

Deprecated in C++17 and removed in C++20

(deprecated in C++17)(removed in C++20)
wrapper function object returning the complement of the unary predicate it holds
(class template)
(deprecated in C++17)(removed in C++20)
wrapper function object returning the complement of the binary predicate it holds
(class template)
(deprecated in C++17)(removed in C++20)
constructs custom std::unary_negate object
(function template)
(deprecated in C++17)(removed in C++20)
constructs custom std::binary_negate object
(function template)


namespace std {
  // invoke:
  template <class F, class... Args>
  invoke_result_t<F, Args...> invoke(F&& f, Args&&... args);
  // reference_wrapper:
  template <class T> class reference_wrapper;
  template <class T> reference_wrapper<T> ref(T&) noexcept;
  template <class T> reference_wrapper<const T> cref(const T&) noexcept;
  template <class T> void ref(const T&&) = delete;
  template <class T> void cref(const T&&) = delete;
  template <class T> reference_wrapper<T> ref(reference_wrapper<T>) noexcept;
  template <class T> reference_wrapper<const T> cref(reference_wrapper<T>) noexcept;
  // arithmetic operations:
  template <class T = void> struct plus;
  template <class T = void> struct minus;
  template <class T = void> struct multiplies;
  template <class T = void> struct divides;
  template <class T = void> struct modulus;
  template <class T = void> struct negate;
  template <> struct plus<void>;
  template <> struct minus<void>;
  template <> struct multiplies<void>;
  template <> struct divides<void>;
  template <> struct modulus<void>;
  template <> struct negate<void>;
  // comparisons:
  template <class T = void> struct equal_to;
  template <class T = void> struct not_equal_to;
  template <class T = void> struct greater;
  template <class T = void> struct less;
  template <class T = void> struct greater_equal;
  template <class T = void> struct less_equal;
  template <> struct equal_to<void>;
  template <> struct not_equal_to<void>;
  template <> struct greater<void>;
  template <> struct less<void>;
  template <> struct greater_equal<void>;
  template <> struct less_equal<void>;
  // logical operations:
  template <class T = void> struct logical_and;
  template <class T = void> struct logical_or;
  template <class T = void> struct logical_not;
  template <> struct logical_and<void>;
  template <> struct logical_or<void>;
  template <> struct logical_not<void>;
  // bitwise operations:
  template <class T = void> struct bit_and;
  template <class T = void> struct bit_or;
  template <class T = void> struct bit_xor;
  template <class T = void> struct bit_not;
  template <> struct bit_and<void>;
  template <> struct bit_or<void>;
  template <> struct bit_xor<void>;
  template <> struct bit_not<void>;
  // function template not_fn:
  template <class F> /*unspecified*/ not_fn(F&& f);
  // bind:
  template<class T> struct is_bind_expression;
  template<class T> struct is_placeholder;
  template<class F, class... BoundArgs>
  /*unspecified*/ bind(F&&, BoundArgs&&...);
  template<class R, class F, class... BoundArgs>
  /*unspecified*/ bind(F&&, BoundArgs&&...);
  namespace placeholders {
    // M is the implementation-defined number of placeholders
    /* implementation-defined */ _1;
    /* implementation-defined */ _2;
    /* implementation-defined */ _M;
  // member function adaptors:
  template<class R, class T> /*unspecified*/ mem_fn(R T::*) noexcept;
  // polymorphic function wrappers:
  class bad_function_call;
  template<class> class function; // undefined
  template<class R, class... ArgTypes> class function<R(ArgTypes...)>;
  template<class R, class... ArgTypes>
  void swap(function<R(ArgTypes...)>&, function<R(ArgTypes...)>&);
  template<class R, class... ArgTypes>
  bool operator==(const function<R(ArgTypes...)>&, nullptr_t) noexcept;
  template<class R, class... ArgTypes>
  bool operator==(nullptr_t, const function<R(ArgTypes...)>&) noexcept;
  template<class R, class... ArgTypes>
  bool operator!=(const function<R(ArgTypes...)>&, nullptr_t) noexcept;
  template<class R, class... ArgTypes>
  bool operator!=(nullptr_t, const function<R(ArgTypes...)>&) noexcept;
  // searchers:
  template<class ForwardIterator, class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
  class default_searcher;
  template<class RandomAccessIterator,
           class Hash = hash<typename iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type>,
           class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
  class boyer_moore_searcher;
  template<class RandomAccessIterator,
           class Hash = hash<typename iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type>,
           class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
  class boyer_moore_horspool_searcher;
  template<class ForwardIterator, class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
  default_searcher<ForwardIterator, BinaryPredicate>
  make_default_searcher(ForwardIterator pat_first, ForwardIterator pat_last,
                        BinaryPredicate pred = BinaryPredicate());
  template<class RandomAccessIterator,
           class Hash = hash<typename iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type>,
           class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
  boyer_moore_searcher<RandomAccessIterator, Hash, BinaryPredicate>
  make_boyer_moore_searcher(RandomAccessIterator pat_first,
                            RandomAccessIterator pat_last,
                            Hash hf = Hash(), BinaryPredicate pred = BinaryPredicate());
  template<class RandomAccessIterator,
           class Hash = hash<typename iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type>,
           class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
  boyer_moore_horspool_searcher<RandomAccessIterator, Hash, BinaryPredicate>
  make_boyer_moore_horspool_searcher(RandomAccessIterator pat_first,
                                     RandomAccessIterator pat_last,
                                     Hash hf = Hash(),
                                     BinaryPredicate pred = BinaryPredicate());
  // hash function primary template:
  template <class T> struct hash;
  // function object binders:
  template <class T> inline constexpr bool is_bind_expression_v
  = is_bind_expression<T>::value;
  template <class T> inline constexpr int is_placeholder_v
  = is_placeholder<T>::value;

Class std::reference_wrapper

namespace std {
  template <class T> class reference_wrapper {
    public :
    // types
    using type = T;
    // construct/copy/destroy
    reference_wrapper(T&) noexcept;
    reference_wrapper(T&&) = delete; // do not bind to temporary objects
    reference_wrapper(const reference_wrapper& x) noexcept;
    // assignment
    reference_wrapper& operator=(const reference_wrapper& x) noexcept;
    // access
    operator T& () const noexcept;
    T& get() const noexcept;
    // invocation
    template <class... ArgTypes>
    invoke_result_t<T&, ArgTypes...> operator() (ArgTypes&&...) const;

Class std::is_bind_expression

namespace std {
  template<class T> struct is_bind_expression;

Class std::is_placeholder

namespace std {
  template<class T> struct is_placeholder;

Class std::bad_function_call

class bad_function_call : public std::exception {
    // constructor:
    bad_function_call() noexcept;

Class std::function

namespace std {
  template<class> class function; // undefined
  template<class R, class... ArgTypes>
  class function<R(ArgTypes...)> {
    using result_type = R;
    // construct/copy/destroy:
    function() noexcept;
    function(nullptr_t) noexcept;
    function(const function&);
    template<class F> function(F);
    function& operator=(const function&);
    function& operator=(function&&);
    function& operator=(nullptr_t) noexcept;
    template<class F> function& operator=(F&&);
    template<class F> function& operator=(reference_wrapper<F>) noexcept;
    // function modifiers:
    void swap(function&) noexcept;
    // function capacity:
    explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
    // function invocation:
    R operator()(ArgTypes...) const;
    // function target access:
    const type_info& target_type() const noexcept;
    template<class T> T* target() noexcept;
    template<class T> const T* target() const noexcept;
  // Null pointer comparisons:
  template <class R, class... ArgTypes>
  bool operator==(const function<R(ArgTypes...)>&, nullptr_t) noexcept;
  template <class R, class... ArgTypes>
  bool operator==(nullptr_t, const function<R(ArgTypes...)>&) noexcept;
  template <class R, class... ArgTypes>
  bool operator!=(const function<R(ArgTypes...)>&, nullptr_t) noexcept;
  template <class R, class... ArgTypes>
  bool operator!=(nullptr_t, const function<R(ArgTypes...)>&) noexcept;
  // specialized algorithms:
  template <class R, class... ArgTypes>
  void swap(function<R(ArgTypes...)>&, function<R(ArgTypes...)>&);

See Also

<string> Specializes std::hash for std::string, std::u16string, std::u32string, std::wstring
<system_error> Specializes std::hash for std::error_code
<bitset> Specializes std::hash for std::bitset
<memory> Specializes std::hash for std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr
<typeindex> Specializes std::hash for std::type_index
<vector> Specializes std::hash for std::vector<bool>
<thread> Specializes std::hash for std::thread::id

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