
Returns the source code generated by AutoGraph, as a string.

Example usage:

def f(x):
  if x < 0:
    x = -x
  return x
"...def tf__f(x):..."

Also see: tf.autograph.to_graph.

Note: If a function has been decorated with tf.function, pass its underlying Python function, rather than the callable that `tf.function creates:
def f(x):
  if x < 0:
    x = -x
  return x
"...def tf__f(x):..."
entity Python callable or class.
recursive Whether to recursively convert any functions that the converted function may call.
arg_values Deprecated.
arg_types Deprecated.
indentation Deprecated.
experimental_optional_features None, a tuple of, or a single tf.autograph.experimental.Feature value.
The converted code as string.

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