Interface Field

All Superinterfaces:
Accessible, Comparable<Field>, Mirror, TypeComponent
public interface Field extends TypeComponent, Comparable<Field>
A class or instance variable in the target VM. See TypeComponent for general information about Field and Method mirrors.
See Also:

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares the specified Object with this field for equality.
int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this Field.
boolean isEnumConstant()
Determine if this is a field that represents an enum constant.
boolean isTransient()
Determine if this is a transient field.
boolean isVolatile()
Determine if this is a volatile field.
Type type()
Returns the type of this field.
String typeName()
Returns a text representation of the type of this field.

Methods declared in interface com.sun.jdi.Accessible

isPackagePrivate, isPrivate, isProtected, isPublic, modifiers

Methods declared in interface java.lang.Comparable


Methods declared in interface com.sun.jdi.Mirror

toString, virtualMachine

Methods declared in interface com.sun.jdi.TypeComponent

declaringType, genericSignature, isFinal, isStatic, isSynthetic, name, signature

Method Details


String typeName()
Returns a text representation of the type of this field. Where the type is the type specified in the declaration of this field.

This type name is always available even if the type has not yet been created or loaded.

a String representing the type of this field.


Type type() throws ClassNotLoadedException
Returns the type of this field. Where the type is the type specified in the declaration of this field.

For example, if a target class defines:

    short s;
    Date d;
    byte[] ba;
And the JDI client defines these Field objects:
    Field sField = targetClass.fieldByName("s");
    Field dField = targetClass.fieldByName("d");
    Field baField = targetClass.fieldByName("ba");
to mirror the corresponding fields, then sField.type() is a ShortType, dField.type() is the ReferenceType for java.util.Date and ((ArrayType)(baField.type())).componentType() is a ByteType.

Note: if the type of this field is a reference type (class, interface, or array) and it has not been created or loaded by the declaring type's class loader - that is, declaringType() .classLoader(), then ClassNotLoadedException will be thrown. Also, a reference type may have been loaded but not yet prepared, in which case the type will be returned but attempts to perform some operations on the returned type (e.g. fields()) will throw a ClassNotPreparedException. Use ReferenceType.isPrepared() to determine if a reference type is prepared.

the Type of this field.
ClassNotLoadedException - if the type has not yet been loaded or created through the appropriate class loader.
See Also:


boolean isTransient()
Determine if this is a transient field.
true if this field is transient; false otherwise.


boolean isVolatile()
Determine if this is a volatile field.
true if this field is volatile; false otherwise.


boolean isEnumConstant()
Determine if this is a field that represents an enum constant.
true if this field represents an enum constant; false otherwise.


boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares the specified Object with this field for equality.
equals in class Object
obj - the reference object with which to compare.
true if the Object is a Field and if both mirror the same field (declared in the same class or interface, in the same VM).
See Also:


int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this Field.
hashCode in class Object
the integer hash code.
See Also:

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Documentation extracted from Debian's OpenJDK Development Kit package.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.
Various third party code in OpenJDK is licensed under different licenses (see Debian package).
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