Interface JMXAddressable

All Known Implementing Classes:
JMXConnectorServer, RMIConnector, RMIConnectorServer
public interface JMXAddressable

Implemented by objects that can have a JMXServiceURL address. All JMXConnectorServer objects implement this interface. Depending on the connector implementation, a JMXConnector object may implement this interface too. JMXConnector objects for the RMI Connector are instances of RMIConnector which implements this interface.

An object implementing this interface might not have an address at a given moment. This is indicated by a null return value from getAddress().


Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
JMXServiceURL getAddress()
The address of this object.

Method Details


JMXServiceURL getAddress()

The address of this object.

the address of this object, or null if it does not have one.

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