Interface AnnotationMirror

public interface AnnotationMirror
Represents an annotation. An annotation associates a value with each element of an annotation interface.

Annotations should be compared using the equals method. There is no guarantee that any particular annotation will always be represented by the same object.


Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
DeclaredType getAnnotationType()
Returns the type of this annotation.
Map<? extends ExecutableElement,? extends AnnotationValue> getElementValues()
Returns the values of this annotation's elements.

Method Details


DeclaredType getAnnotationType()
Returns the type of this annotation.
the type of this annotation


Map<? extends ExecutableElement,? extends AnnotationValue> getElementValues()
Returns the values of this annotation's elements. This is returned in the form of a map that associates elements with their corresponding values. Only those elements with values explicitly present in the annotation are included, not those that are implicitly assuming their default values. The order of the map matches the order in which the values appear in the annotation's source.

Note that an annotation mirror of a marker annotation type will by definition have an empty map.

To fill in default values, use getElementValuesWithDefaults.

the values of this annotation's elements, or an empty map if there are none

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